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Rayquaza: "Why are kids so f***ing hard to raise!?"

Arceus: "probably because you decided to have Kygore and Groudon as your kids. After all, water and fire don't mix well!"

Rayquaza: "oh, and apperently Giritina, Dialga, and Palkia are angles then? Even though you BANISHED Giritina! For what? Because he wanted to be a emo!?"

Arceus: "we don't go done that rabit hole Rayquaza. We just don't..."

Lunala: "You guys raise your kids yourselves?"

Solgaleo: "We just let the humans take care of our little Cosmog!"

Mew: "And do you know where that went? Not so well for Cosmog. They almost died because of the humans."

Arceus: "woah. That's a bit dark... Don't you think Mew?"

Mew: "Don't talk about dark to me, Arceus! Mewtwo is still recovering from what the humans did to him!"

Rayquaza: "And you still talk to the humans!"

Mew: "Not all humans are bad! Only the sciencey ones!"

Zacian: "Don't forget about the humans that are  in charge too."

Zamatana: "Rose wasn't the nicest either..."

Arceus: "Wait a moment, what are you two doing here!?"

Zacian: "Simple"

Zamatana: "ever heard of adoption?"

Rayquaza: "oh s***, they're right..."

Arceus: "why did you attack Eternatus then?"

*Zacian stares at Arceus, unimpressed*

Arceus: "... Okay, I do maybe hurt my kids once and awhile..."

Rayquaza: *wheezes* "'Once and awhile'!? You almost straight up murder them because they were protecting the humans! Are you full of yourself, or what!?"

Arceus: "I am NOT!!!"

Mew: "🎶yes you are!🎶"

Arceus: "SHUT UP!!!"

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