Artistic Tastes

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Yveltal: "Oh, Darkrai! Glad to see you! I just finished my latest masterpiece!"

Darkrai: "Turning a Duskul to stone? I don't think I'll call it that..."

Yveltal: "Oh come on! It's not that bad-"

Darkrai: "Turning people to stone is always bad!!"

Yveltal: "... What's wrong with you?"

Darkrai: "For the past two months, you've been turning Ghost-Types into stone, and then calling it art. I'm just afraid that I'm next!"

Yveltal: "There is nothing to be afraid of! You're The King of Nightmares! You're fine!"

Darkrai: "And you turn anything you want to stone with a single touch. You see the outlier here? Because I do!"

Yveltal: "I swear to Arceus that I won't turn you to stone! Pinky Swear!"

Darkrai: "I'm not touching your pinky-"

Yveltal: "Alright, Air Pinky Swear!"

*They Air Pinky Swear*

Yveltal: "There, better?"

Darkrai: "... I guess..."

Yveltal: "Good!"

Darkrai: "But, I have to ask though, why Ghost-Types?"

Yveltal: "Why? Because, Ghost-Types are the jewels of this planet! The way they just float around dark and abandoned places always inspire me! It makes me want to capture the moment for eternity!"

Darkrai: "Okay..."

*Darkrai felt a bit stiff in his right arm. When he took a look at it. It was stone*

Darkrai: "I thought you Pinky Swear that you WOULDN'T turn me to stone!"

Yveltal: "I'm sorry!! I couldn't help myself!"

*Darkrai's other arm turns to stone too*

Darkrai: "STOP!!!"

Yveltal: "You're gonna be a great masterpiece!"

Darkrai: "YVELTAL!!!"

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