Chapter thirty-four: Kojiro

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It seemed to be around midnight when (y/n) decided to act. The crazy bastards who kidnapped her had to be asleep by then. She looked around in the drawers and found a small light, one that would be used to look in eyes and the throat. It had to do. The icy woman felt the lock and picked it a bit with a tool she found in the room and one of her Bobby pins. The lockpicking trick Uno showed her worked, the door popped right open, she let out a sigh and quietly stepped into the halls. It was dark. She had to be careful about where she went. However, this did not look like the place she was taken to before with Shiro. That place looked like a dungeon, this one looked like a hospital. Her boots tapped on the floor as she walked the halls. She needed to find a way out of there and see if she could get to a nearby town for help. If she could find a phone, she could call someone at Nanba. What was Kiji's number again?
She knew they took her cellphone, she did not feel it in her pocket. She felt the walls, leaving small ice trails where her fingers touched. The device in her spine whirred and hummed lightly. She came across a wall in her path, after feeling around, it was a dead end. She turned back and went the other direction before finding a door that led to an exit. She followed the exit and found herself in what seemed to be a courtyard of a large facility. The icy woman knew she just needed to leave the property and find a town.

Frost settled on the grass around her. She stepped and heard a crunch to see the frost around her, she was unintentionally making it with this power she had! It shocked her to see just how much more power she had than before. (Y/n) continued to walked forward and jumped the courtyard gate. She followed a path and found herself at a cliff that led down to a dock, rocks and tide pools littered the ocean below. She looked back and saw the facility was just a huge house. This place had to be the home base for these guys. Why would they risk bringing her, one who is not one of them, to their base? Her feet walked to the cliff and she sat down at the cliff. There was a huge fence past their home, this whole place was theirs. She was trapped there.
"Shiro... I'm trying to fight to stay alive for you.," the young woman spoke to nobody in particular. She had been awake the whole time since she woke up in that hospital bed. That had to have been about eight hours ago. The only way she saw herself logically getting away was by hopping the gate, or by swimming. She was not an athletic swimmer,  but she could do the breast-stroke. In the water, she saw the fin of a shark. Several sharks.
'They have sharks too?!,' the cold woman thought to herself then remembered, 'My ocean spirit friend said he was friendly with sharks. I wonder if one of them know him?'

(Y/n) saw the light of the sunrise breaking the darkness. It was a beautiful sight the young woman felt the ocean breeze as the sun rose. She fell down on the cliff. They no doubt already found out that she escaped. She had tired herself out by running around all night. She felt another presence.
"What are you doing out here, Yuki?," the kind voice of the ocean spirit asked as warm hands picked her up, her head was set on a platform that smelled like the ocean, had the depth and felt the power of the ocean. She felt something be put over her.
"Ocean spirit...," (y/n) murmured as the ocean spirit let the cold bodied female rest on his shark like tail. The young woman was not that surprised at his tail.
"Yuki, what are you doing out here?," She heard his voice ask.
"Looking for your sharks.," she answered with a tired tone.
"They are right down there.," the man's voice answered, "They can see us. I can see Chojiro down there."
"Cute.," the icy woman's voice spoke as she dozed on the man's tail. She felt a warm hand on her head as it was patted.
"Silly Yuki. You're okay.," The shark like man smiled.
"But I am in hell.," she replied before dozing off.
"You're not in hell, you're home.," the young man whispered to the young woman, "And I am your best friend, Yuki."

The sun peeked over the horizon, illuminating the two on the cliff. The blue haired man let the pink and blue haired woman lay on his lap, his hand patted her hair. A smile was on his face as they were there.
Footsteps made him look behind him, "Good morning."
"She escaped, where is she?," Isou asked, "You know her better than anyone else, Kojiro."
"Yuki is right here.," Kojiro replied and lifted his cloak to show the doctor, "I found her here, she was barely awake. She must have been up all night looking for a way to get out."
The shark like man had a smile, "She was looking at the sharks down below. When she feels better, I'll introduce her."
"Right now, I have to make sure she is stable. She needs to come back inside.," the Chinese doctor explained.
"Okay.," Kojiro replied and Stood on his tail, he had somehow learned how to move on land by slithering his long tail back and forth. He carried the icy woman inside, letting her head rest on his shoulder.
The doctor followed, watching Kojiro act so gentle with the young woman.
"You really love Yuki, don't you?," Isou asked the shark man.
"I do. She and I are best friends, of course we love each other.," Kojiro replied as he looked down at the face of the woman, "Where do I need to put her? Back in the medical room?"
"Yes, that will be good. I need to finish some other checks. You can stay and then take her when I am done.," the Chinese man replied with a smile.
"Manji was a little disappointed that he could not meet her yesterday, especially after that entrance she made.," Kojiro chimed happily as he rubbed his face lightly against the sleeping woman's. He did not mind that she was cold, he felt a warmth under the cold exterior.

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