Chapter twenty-three: the wardens' talk.

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(This is what happened in the warden's office when (y/n) was doing her own thing.)

Shin walked into warden Hyuakushiki's office with his full strut, the blue haired warden glared at her blond visitor. "I was not told you would be coming.," Momoko said, "Just what business does the warden of the Female's prison have here?"
"Hey now, isn't about time you call me Shin? Miss Momoko?," the blond man asked, "You're making a scary face as usual, your little sister was much nicer. This whole place is scary, the convicts and all. But you are the scariest thing here."
the blue haired woman twinged when he said "little sister", she knew (y/n)'s habit of calling her 'big sister' must have caused that. But she was more disgusted with the man's attempt to woo her.
"You didn't come here just for small talk, did you?," Momoko asked, "Hurry up and get to the point."

She was quickly taken into the arms of the blond man, his grin was sickening to her.
"Why rush? I came halfway across the world to see you, y'know?," Shin spoke, "Can't you be a little more welcoming?"
His blue eyes were trying their best to be charming, "How about we have some tea or something? You can call your little sister back to join us, she might want to hear this talk."
Momoko was quickly going into a rage from this bold man not respecting her space. Her hat was beginning to poke his forehead enough to make him bleed.
"Let me go already, I WILL hit you.," the Red eyed woman said.
"You're stabbing me miss.," the princely male said and complied, "How terrifying, neither you nor your sister fell for my Ultra gorgeous smile."
"That smile is shady.," Momoko replied with a huff, "All I feel for you is hatred, and (y/n) Is too smart to fall for something like you."
"The fact you came out here means you have something extremely important to talk about.," the female said and turned a red glaring eye to the blond man, "Hurry up and spit it out. I do not have time to deal with you right now."

"Fine, let's have a serious talk then. It will be a secret... oh as long as dear little (y/n) does not spill the beans too quickly.," Shin said, "It is about the convicts I caught the other day. They were terrible, left a huge mess at the other prisons they were at."
"And they happen to be male?," Momoko asked, "The files you sent over?"
Shin nodded, "Exactly. Those two will be brought here to be placed under your care. You have a better time with dealing with men such as these."
"It is inconceivable that you would be here just to oversee the transfer of the prisoners here.," the woman warden said, "And the fact you recommended them to be given to our therapist is suspicious. Just what the hell are you bringing me?"
"Sharp as always. To begin with, I am just the messenger. Even if you complain it will not change 'Their' minds.," the blond man replied and placed his hand over his chest, "The two of us can't go against the 'Cause'. No matter the order, we have to carry it out. Even if it is to accept the monsters they send us."

Momoko turned, "I get it. I'll make preparations for them."
"I already sent you their files to give to the dear little therapist, Sweet kid by the way.," the blond Warden said, "Although there is not much known about these two. However this is where the second set of orders come in."
Shin walked and got very close to Momoko, he tilted her head up by a gloved hand.
"The first order was to collect them and transfer them here, the second is to collect data on them.," the blond explained, "We need precise data on them and all other monsters you may have hidden away here. And this is something that can only be done here, you understand, right?"
"What the hell do you mean by 'collecting data'? Just come out and say what you want to.," Warden Hyuakushiki said with an irritated voice.
Shin gave her a wicked grin, "The second order is to let the Monsters fight."
"Let the monsters fight?," the blue haired warden asked and realized what that would mean for her therapist. She would have to fight too.
Momoko let her power slip under the higher-ups' radar as it was not what the young woman was hired for, the icy woman would have to fight a man that may try to kill her if the warden allowed this.
Shin kept talking about how they did not have enough data on these Inmates' abilities.

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