Chapter six: Return to a childhood place

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(Y/n) clutched the small travel bag as she boarded the boat at the port, she was taking the rest of her leave away from Nanba prison in order to rest and recover from what she did to capture the misbehaving inmates.
She decided to visit the place she used to live with Shiro and his childhood home in Okinawa.
The pale skinned female stood on the deck of the boat to watch the water below.
She watched the water splash against the hull and looked for signs of dolphins. She saw none of the playful marine mammals, but she did see the shape of a rather large shark.
Her eyes watched for the shark more, but did not see it again.

It took a couple of hours, but she reached the mainland safely.
The young woman looked at some bus and train maps to decide how she was going to visit her old home.
She finally decided on a route and took the bus to her destination.
(Y/n) watched the scenery pass by while she rode the bus, it was so different compared to when she was still a teenager.
She saw the areas where Shiro would take her to play, her heart hurt as she remembered him. She had the horrible knowledge that he was gone.
Her mother told her he had been hit by a train. Her mother said that she found him and got help but it was too late.
Just knowing her best friend died in her arms hurt.

The pale woman got off the bus and walked to the site where she learned it happened.
Why did she not remember it? Her Shiro was gone and she did not remember it.
Her footsteps tapped on the cement softly as she came to her old home, she saw a middle aged woman working in the garden.
The woman saw her and came up, "Can I help you?"
"This used to be my home, I just came by to visit.," (y/n) replied and pointed to the wall, "Can I look in the hidden compartment?"
"Hidden compartment?," the woman asked and nodded.
(Y/n) took the real looking false brick from the wall and looked inside.
She reached in as the woman watched, a small package that was stained with blood was inside.
'To Yuki, from Shiro' was written on the card that was stained with blood.

The older lady was appalled by the item that was hidden in the wall, "Should I call the police?"
"No, this is the final gift for me from my deceased friend.," (y/n) said, "His spirit must have placed it here after he died in hopes I would find it."
That made the older woman curious and she urged the younger one to open the package. Inside the package was a couple of small Keychain toys and a note crumbled together.
She opened the note and saw it was scrawled in blood.
'Where are you Yuki? I miss you.'
She dropped the blood covered letter and clutched the blood stained toys close to her.
Was this a message from beyond the grave or was he still alive?
(Y/n) replaced the brick and took the presents with her. She left without a word.
She made her way to Okinawa, it was late when she got there. She thankfully found an inn to stay at.
It was near the ocean and she could see the water from her room.
The water glimmered under the light of the moon.
She fell asleep soon.

"Yuki. Yuki. Where are you?" A voice called for her. It was familiar yet different, the shape of that large shark loomed in the water she floated in. "Yuki?," the voice called again, "Are you safe? Are you happy?"

(Y/n) was awakened by the light from the sun.
She got up and changed into a sundress to look around the island that Shiro grew up on.
The young lady realized she remembered what she dreamed, a large shark shape was calling to her. She put her hair up with the bloodstained flower bow she kept all of these years.
Her first stop was to see if she could find where Shiro lived and then go to the ocean, he loved the ocean even though he could not swim.
The young woman looked around for what she could find of Shiro and his family.
She did find someone who told her that Shiro's parents were no more, that something killed them. She was pointed to their Graves if she wanted to visit them.

The cold bodied young woman thanked the kind individual and went to visit the Graves of her best friend's family. The Graves looked a little dirty from not being kept up like the others were.
She was able to find some items that could help her clean them.
It felt good to help keep them clean, she kneeled in front of the graves.
"Hello, we never officially met but... I am (y/n) Yukinohana. Your son's friend.," the young woman said while talking to the graves, "I was there and tried to help him when he was hit by that train. I can't remember what happened that day though. But I do know that I love your son and I am sorry I was not able to help him more with everything he did to help me."
She went quiet as she felt something was there in the silent graveyard with her.
She continued to talk to the graves as she kept focusing on the source of the disturbance, "I wish that I could have spoken to you when you were alive. I have a feeling you would have much to talk about with how much we love Shiro.

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