12 . Hayden Summerall

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Asher- you'll be okay I can pick you up after ...
Annie- thank you I'm not worried I just don't know what's coming next.
Asher- no matter what I'll be there through it all.

Annie gives Asher a hug.

                    Annie's phone.

Hayden : see you at the park ...

Annie arrives at the park & sees Hayden sitting on the swing.

Annie goes & sits on the swing next to him.

Annie- whatever you have to say just get it over with.
Hayden- wow so no hi or hello?
Annie- you really have the audacity to ask me that right now ?
Hayden- I didn't mean for it to play out that way. I'm sorry I don't deserve your forgiveness.
Annie- appreciate the apology but how did this even happen because I feel like Jayden was honestly not telling the truth at all.  It just didn't sound like you.
Hayden- well I was at a party during the summer & it was a little crazy.
There were girls dancing everywhere in revealing clothing & Jayden just happened to be one of those girls.
Annie- was she out of it ?
Hayden- yeah basically I saw some guy trying to lead her upstairs into a room so instead I pulled her away & said she was my girlfriend. The guy left her alone for the time being. I decided to stick by Jayden.
Annie- then what ?
Hayden- the guy insisted on getting to know Jayden but she was just laughing & wanting to drink more & at one point the guy tried convincing her to go outside with him. That's when I had enough of it & took Jayden home with me.
Annie- oh my so she almost got ... taken advantage of.

Hayden begins to have tears in his eyes.

Hayden- that's when she woke up the next morning confused & I explained to her what happened & she bursted into tears & thanked me for taking care of her.
Annie- and that's how the two of you became so close.
Hayden- yeah we started hanging out everyday & then it just sort of spiraled into something more than a friendship.
Annie- I'm so sorry I should apologize to her I just can't believe she wouldn't tell me the truth.
Hayden- she was just ... she probably didnt want you to judge her even though you'd never. It's just Jayden isn't the same girl she used to be. She's different ever since I told her about that night she just seems.
Annie- I get it .. but why didn't she just tell me about the two of you.
Hayden- because we were both told not to stay together.
Annie- what by who?
Hayden- before you left Johnny & Jayden were a thing & when this happened Johnny was out of town & they just weren't as close as they used to be. So Jayden cut things off with Johnny.
Annie- are you saying ..
Hayden- Johnny threatened me to stay away from Jayden or he'd tell everyone things from my past & that's why I'm not friends with him anymore he kicked me out of the friend group.
Annie- wait a minute and that's why he is so protective of Jayden ? Because of that night?
Hayden- Annie he doesn't even know that happened to Jayden. He just thinks that I stole Jayden from
Annie- why's that ?
Hayden- because the guy that almost assaulted Jayden was Jacob.

Annie turns to Hayden & her eyes widen.

Annie- does Johnny know ?
Hayden- no he doesn't believe me I tried to tell him but he assumed that I made it up because I wanted Jayden to myself.
Annie- & what did Jacob say about this?!
Hayden- he's totally brain washed Johnny. If only he knew the truth.
Annie- so Jacob just hasn't changed .. he tried doing it to me once & then poor Jayden...
Hayden- just stay away from Jacob. He is a manipulating asshole. I kept telling Jayden to report him but she is convinced that they won't say anything because he never actually did anything.
Annie- when did Asher come into all of this ?
Hayden- well once Johnny kicked me out the group Asher was the new guy in town & since Johnny was so convinced that Jacob changed they all just started hanging out. That's when I found my own group of guys who are actually respectful.
Annie- I'm so sorry . I need to go see Jayden & apologize to her...
Hayden- just know I'll take care of her Annie. I don't want things to be weird but I need to protect her.
Annie- can you take me to her place ?
Hayden- of course.

They two of them go to Jaydens house.

Someone knocks at the door.

Jayden- yeah who is it...

Annie- I'm so sorry I love you so much & I'll be your friend no matter what.

Annie hugs Jayden & cries.

Jayden- he .. told you ?
Annie- he had to he Saved you & that's what I'm thankful for. I understand why the two of you got so close I almost got assaulted by the same guy. But he saved me too. We can talk about it if you want ?

Jayden wipes away her tears as she invites Annie in.

About an hour later.

Annie- I just want you to be happy.
Jayden- thank you Annie I'm really ..
Annie- it's okay I'm just glad your safe.

Annie hugs Jayden as she walks out the door.

Asher sits in his car parked outside of jaydens

Asher- hey everything all good ?
Annie- yeah I think so we just have to talk about something ..

Asher turns to Annie as she looks at him a little concerned.

Hayden- looks like everything worked out .. huh ?
Jayden- yeah it's just I was thinking & I think we would be better off as friends..
Hayden- are you sure ?
Jayden- it's just you saved me & I think that's why I felt like being more than friends was necessary but now I think just friends is what we need.
Hayden- no matter what I'll always protect you. But we can still chill and watch movies right ?
Jayden- of course we can !!

The two of them walk into Jayden's house & hang out.

Continued ....

To those that celebrate Easter have a good one! Stay safe and more chapters soon 💗🐣

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