16.) Offers

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Carson's POV.

It was only a matter of time until annie found out what I did. It seemed like everything was just bad timing. I didn't want to cut her off but we were just growing closer together which is such a shame because I might never be forgiven.

The next day at school.

Annie- so when do you plan on .. I don't know going to the beach with me ?

Carson- well I figured it could be after the trip to the aquarium since we could get some info there.

The bell rings & Carson grabs his book bag and he and Annie walk out of the classroom going towards his locker.

Annie- right ..

Annie looks disappointed.

Carson- everything -

Annie - yeah I was just wanting to spend a little more alone time with you..

Carson looks up surprised..

Carson- oh really well that can be arranged.

Carson starts to lean in then the bell rings a second time.

Annie- oh no I better go to be continued?

Carson- most definitely it will.

Ashers POV.
Saved by the bell. Who would wanna see that ew not me. Johnny is such an ass for not telling me what him and Annie were discussing yesterday. I mean who the hell does he think he is trying to keep secrets from me?!

Carson begins to open his locker & all these notes fall to his feet.

Carson's POV.
I hadn't spoken to my boys in a bit & I thought maybe all the notes were their way of saying it's time to bring in some more bucks. Boy was I wrong. There were constant threats telling me to stay away from Annie along with money. Someone was trying to bribe me to keep away from her or they'd expose me. Could it be Johnny ? I mean he seemed to be acting strange last night. But I didn't want the money I threw the notes in the garbage but ripping them up bit by bit first. Then I left the stupid cash on the ground near a water fountain. To make someone's day. If annie finds out the truth from someone else that'll be rough but I've done enough damage & spending as much time with her now is all I can do.

Carson took a final look around before shutting his locker & walked to class.

Greg- buddy where have ya been ?

Caden- we were thinking you bailed on us !

They both notice the looks on Carson's face.

Greg- you alright ? You looking a little unsettled.

Carson- not really bro have y'all got any yk deals recently ?

Caden- nah everything's been kinda slow yk

Greg- since when are you worried about our intake ?

Carson- well I'm no snitch but someone sent me money along with some threats just wanted to see if y'all knew anything about that.

Greg- man your our bro we would never allow that bs or be part of that

Caden- yeah you may be an ignorant fuck but we love ya dude.

Carson- just checking in not on the mood to collect.

Greg- nah bro if we find out what it's about we got you

Greg pats Carson on the back.

Jayden- hey where were you ?

Annie- what do you mean ?

Annie tries to focus on her books.

Jayden- you were late to class & you rarely ever are so who was keeping you away ?

Annie tries to Ignore jayden.

Jayden- was it Asher trying to make up ? Or did y'all skip to making out ?

Annie- no I just forgot some things in my locker & had to go get them.

Jayden- your still not talking to Asher ?

Annie- no why would I ? I mean I honestly don't even have a valid reason to talk to him anyway being neighbors doesn't mean we have to be friends. & after what he said the other day I want nothing to do with ASHER ANGEL!

Hayden , Lauren , Johnny & Asher look up.

Asher stares at Annie with a disappointed face.

Teacher- what's with the yelling ? Office Juliana.

Annie grabs her things & starts to walk off.

Giving a final look at Jayden before leaving the room.

Hayden - what was that about ?

Jayden- it was something I said but he's distracting her instead of keeping his distance. What are we going to do?

Ashers POV.
She wants NOtHING to do with me?! I mean I sort of already knew that but I love that girl. I mean even her name is hot like Juliana is a beautiful name. I'm certain she will be on my side someday & I won't give up until she is.

Annie's POV.
On my way to the office I passed by the water fountain and found some money. I was debating on whether or not I should pick it up .. I decided it was a treat to myself but when I grabbed the money it smelled familiar. I just couldn't wrap my head around it.

Principal - Juliana what happened ?

Annie- I just couldn't control my temper I was triggered.

Principal- you need to learn how to keep it under control . It has been hard but this return I hope isn't applying too much stress on yourself.

Annie- everything is fine mr Richards.

Principal- 1 hour of detention. That is all.

Annie gets up and leaves the room walking to the front office.

Lauren- hey ..

Annie- hi

Lauren- coming from the office huh

Annie- yup 1 hour detention but is something wrong we never really talk so ..

Lauren- im the next person you should have a .. chat with

Annie- you too ?

Lauren- yes

Annie- well can't be today as you know I got detention just send me an address and a day then we will go from there I guess.

Lauren looks at Annie and nods then walks away.

Annie's POV.
I don't understand what all this has to do with me. Just secrets being reveled and I don't even know what is the worst yet.

To be continued .....

Seems to me Carson has the same story every damn chapter. What could he have possibly done ? Looks like someone is going to have a difficult time in the upcoming chapters..

Sorry about the break on this story it's been a while but I'm back!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2021 ⏰

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