11.) now what

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The next week


Hayley- daddy I'm going to school with London & avi !
Billy- okay be careful Hayley ! Love you !
Hayley - love you too dad.

Billy- honey you need a ride ?
Annie- ugh no I'll walk .
Billy- are you sure ?
Annie- yes I could use some energy to get me going.
Billy- surprised your not going with Jayden.
Annie- yeah well turns out me & her are having a few issues right now but it's okay I'm fine. Fresh air will do. Have a good day at work.
Billy- if you change your mind Francis is always home & you'll get through this. Have a good day at school love you.

Annie - I love u too.

Billy walks out of the house.

Francis- sure I can't take you to school ?
Annie - I'm sure I'll be back.

Someone knocks on the door.

Annie walks back into the kitchen.

Annie- who was it ?
Francis- looks like your Prince Charming has arrived.

Annie- I think your right. Bye Francis.
Francis- bye Annie have a good day & you too.

Annie walks out of the door.

Asher- am I really your Prince Charming ?
Annie- I don't know are you ??
Asher- I can be.

Asher opens the car door for Annie.

At school.

Lauren- no way did you see the two of them this morning ?
Kenzie- yeah I'm shocked how could she do that to her .. nevermind
Lauren- no your right you & her weren't best friends but they were.

Hayden - okay my buddies are coming over you need to go.
Jayden- okay ...

Jayden walks away.

Isaac , Armani , Matt & mark walk up to Hayden.

Matt- my guy what's up ?
Isaac- y'all been good ?
Mark- yep wild ever since that party so you spoken to Annie lately ?
Hayden- nah we just went to the party as friends I mean that's what we are..

Armani stays silent.

Hayden- have you talked to indi ?
Matt- yup always.
Hayden- what about you Isaac ? Your kinda quiet.
Isaac- I'm keeping it private y'all understand.
Mark- meanwhile I'm over here lonely as hell.
Hayden- so what's happening with you Armani ? Have you talked to Jayden ?
Armani- oh I'm sure you'd love to know.
Hayden- what ?
Armani- don't play dumb with me summerall.
Matt- woah woah woah what the hell is happening
Mark- yeah what's the deal ?
Armani- oh why don't you tell them Hayden?

Jacob- you hear that ?
Johnny- yep an argument with that stupid ass over there.

Kenzie- Isaac is everything okay ?
Isaac- I'm not sure...

Hayden- bro I have no idea why your pissed what's going on ?
Armani- I'm not your bro bros don't do that .
Hayden- do what ?!
Armani- kiss their so called "bro's" date in front of their ex girlfriends house. Oh that's right that they cheated on !

Lauren- what ?
Johnny - no freaking way.
Jacob- what ? Does he mean he kissed.

Kenzie- ugh....

Carson & his friends listened to the whole convo from their lockers. He then realized that Annie walked into the school with Asher.

Asher- are you okay ?
Annie- yeah.. I just need to do something first.

Annie walks up to hayden & his friends & everyone stares.

Annie- look Hayden I don't care what you do I ain't worried or mad about that but don't be kissing girls in my front lawn. Especially if it's someone I used to be bff's with. I guess I'll see you on Thursday even though there's not much to talk about considering I know already.

Asher- you sure told him.

Asher puts his hand out.

Annie- I sure did.

She puts her hand in his & they walk off into the hall.

Greg- did he just-
Carson- stole my date ? Yeah he did.
Caden- oh man this is gonna get ugly. Does she ?
Carson- no not yet.
Greg- good luck man...

Matt- so you hooked up with Jayden ?
Hayden- it was before we became bro's guys I swear.
Armani- last night wasn't "before"
Mark- look they are not dating & neither are the two of you so I don't see where the problem is.
Isaac- come on man that's just low...
Matt- figure out this drama cause I do not want to be apart of it.

Johnny walks over to Hayden.

Johnny- I swear you knew better.
Hayden- oh did I ? I ain't worried about you there's nothing more you can take from me.
Johnny- I wouldn't be so sure. Watch out. & stay the hell away from her.

Annie- hey I'll see you after bio ?
Asher- definitely

Asher leans in to hug Annie.

Asher- let me know if you need anything
Annie- sure will Prince Charming.

Asher walks away.

Carson- Prince Charming ?
Annie- Carson .. hey
Carson- hi Annie ..
Annie- the other day you were right about everyone having secrets. More like dirt to me ..
Carson- I didn't mean to cause this Annie ...
Annie- you didn't cause anything . Jayden was hiding that from me & I just don't know if I can forgive her because that's a huge secret.
Carson- look I have a -

The bell rings.

Annie- I better go I'll see you around ? We still need to work on that project anyway.
Carson- yeah sure..

Carson's POV.
Prince Charming.. I wish I could be her Prince Charming... but I never will. Especially not now she is gonna hate me sooner or later. What I did won't ever be forgiven.

Lauren- we need to talk.
Johnny- oh well what can I help you with my darling sister?
Lauren- you need to stop threatening Jayden.
Johnny- oh please you ain't friends with her.
Lauren- I was. & this is not right.
Johnny- she made me think she was into me just to leave me for garbage.
Lauren- you & him used to be friends don't you think your being out of line ?
Johnny- no because we aren't friends anymore & I don't associate with him so just drop it lo I'm over it.

Johnny starts to walk away.

Lauren- being over it doesn't mean threatening people !!

People start to stare at Lauren.

Lauren- what ?!

To be continued ...

Cannie? Look out for Ashannie. Where stories live. Discover now