2.) reality

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Annie's POV.
It was already Monday and Asher had told me he'd take me to school. I was pretty nervous to see most of my friends or old friends I guess. I kept on wondering what he meant by Carson being "different" I mean Carson is nothing like the way he described him.

Billy- you ready for school Annie ?
Annie- yeah umm Asher is actually gonna give me a ride over there.
Billy- okay have a nice day call me if you need anything!
Annie- don't worry I will.

Annie went over to Asher's and knocked on the door.

Ashers mom- oh who are you ?
Annie- I'm Annie Hayleys sister !
Ashers mom- oh well nice to meet you ! Asher wouldn't stop chatting and talking about you. You are very beautiful I would absolutely love you for my son.

Asher- wow mom okay you don't have to say anything else I need to get annie and myself to school.
Ashers mom- right sorry honey have a nice day.

Ashers mom kisses his forehead.

Asher- mom !

Asher shuts the door and Annie giggles.

Annie- well that was cute!
Asher- oh please don't mention this to anyone I mean it.
Annie- I'm all honesty I don't think I have anyone to tell. I don't talk to any of the people that used to be my friends. So you have nothing to worry about.
Asher- right .

They drive to school.

Asher- so like are you already registered ?
Annie- yeah
Asher- and you know your way around right ?
Annie- I mean I believe so if I get lost can I have your number ?
Asher- trying time get my digits huh ?
Annie- think what you want but I know what I need it for!
Asher - I'm just playing here

Asher gives Annie his digits and she does the same.

Annie- well thanks for the ride maybe see you later ?
Asher- yeah sure !

Annie walks into the building and her and Asher split up.

Annie's POV.
I was walking to the office to ask for my locker combination and it felt so weird being back. I didn't really feel to happy about everything but I had to make the best of it all. My locker number was 214 so I made my way towards that hall.

Annie walked to the hall found her locker and tested out the combination. She opened it and put a few notebooks in it.

Annie's POV.
I heard some people shouting and when I closed my locker I was shocked and surprised. It was Hayden

Hayden- nah bro just chill your stressing over nun !
Mark- ayeee I'll catch you later dog !
Hayden- hell yeah !

Hayden turned around and noticed Annie.

Hayden- Annie ?
Annie- Hayden !

Hayden- I missed you so much I can't believe we lost touch!

Hayden picked up Annie and gave her a hug squeezing her tight.

Annie- I know we just never talked and I missed you too!
Hayden- so much has changed here it's honestly crazy.
Annie - yeah I can tell I never thought you would be friends with mark
Hayden- yeah Carson changed to he is in a gang with Greg and Caden.
Annie- seriously ?
Hayden- yeah and Johnny is bestfriends with Jacob and some guy named Asher.
Annie- really he never mentioned it.
Hayden- y'all have met ?
Annie- yeah well he actually is my dads neighbor ..
Hayden- ohh what do you have first period ?
Annie- physics
Hayden - ahh bummer I have Algebra we should meet up in lunch
Annie- okay sounds good.

Annie walked off to her first class.

Teacher - okay class today we have a new student or returning student.

Greg- uh what the heck is this women talking about now
Caden- announcing a new student
Carson- any new student is a total lame ass piece of-

Teacher- welcome back Annie Leblanc.

Carson looked up in shock.

Annie- hi everyone it's great to be back.

Greg- what the hell are you starring at carson.
Caden- looks like Carson got a crushy wushy
Carson- shut up Caden you never know when to shut your mouth
Greg- hey calm your ass down next time make your point instead of stopping and starring.

Lauren- Annie ! I can't believe your back!
Annie- hi Lauren ! It's good to see you again where's Jayden?
Lauren- she is in algebra with Hayden
Annie- so has she changed at all?
Lauren- lol no same old Jayden sweet little Jayden.
Annie- that's good to hear how's your brother ?!
Lauren- he's great too! You should totally sit with us during lunch !
Annie- sounds great !

Lunch times rolls around.

Jayden- Annie omg come sit !
Annie- hi Jayden ! I missed you
Jayden- I missed you too!
Johnny- hi Annie good to see you again!
Annie- hi Johnny ! Hi Jacob
Jacob- hey Annie
Asher- so what's the agenda for today ?
Lauren- Asher have you met Annie ?
Asher- yeah I have
Annie- so enough about me how have all you guys been ?

Annie smiles as everyone in her table giggles.

The final school bell rings

Hayden- Annie !
Annie- ohh Hayden hey
Hayden- I didn't see you at lunch
Annie- ohh sorry I totally forgot .. I guess I just caught up with everything I saw Lauren and well.
Hayden- it's okay I get it I'm not apart of their group but you wanted to catch up.
Annie- thanks for understanding.
Hayden- no problem bye Annie.

Hayden walks off.

Hayden gets a phone call.

Matt- hey bro you ready to hang or got other plans.
Hayden- yeah I'm free
Matt- things with Annie didn't go as planned ?
Hayden- no she actually ditched me for other friends.
Matt- bummer but forget her me and Conner got fortnite. And take in !
Hayden- sounds legit I'll be there !

Annie gets home.

She opens her bedroom door and sees someone on her bed.

Annie- how do you keep getting in here ?!
Asher- you never told me you and Hayden were a thing. Or Jacob or Carson

Annie looks up in a worried state.

To be continued........

Cannie? Look out for Ashannie. حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن