15 | on the third day of august

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Returning from the printer down the hall, a stack of papers in her hands Avery stops short at the sight of Ethan sat by her desk. Her lips pull into a faint smile as she leans her side against the wall, watching him spin in slow circles on the swivel chair. Her smile only widens as she spots the petite With Sprinkles on Top cakebox in his hands.

"Is that what I think it is?"

His spinning comes to a stop, feet planted firmly at the carpeted floor as he flickers his gaze from the box in his hand to where she's stood, lips cracking into a grin as she walks over to him.

"In case you find yourself on a deserted island," He says, handing her the box along with one of the simple Ikea forks from the office kitchenette. "Happy Birthday."

A silent laugh escapes her, biting down at her lip with a smile as she drops the stack of papers onto the tabletop before leaning against the desk. "Thank you."

She's about to break into the one portion box, already tugging at the mint colored ribbon as Anna comes around the corner from the hall. She lowers her phone from her ear, a small smile on her lips as she says, "Hold that thought. Take that with you, you're dismissed for the rest of the day."

Avery pauses with the fork in the air. "Really?"


"Really," Anna nods, listening with half an ear to whoever's on the call – her own mic obviously muted. "It's such a nice day. Get out of here and enjoy it."

"But–" Avery flickers her eyes to the stack of papers on the desk she hasn't even gotten to yet. "Are you sure?"

Her gaze travels over to her phone where it lies between the stack of papers and the keyboard of the computer, one simple nudge with her finger to the home button revealing a screen empty of notifications staring back up at her. The second thing that catches her attention is the time above today's date. There's still hours left of her work day and she won't be back here for another five days considering she's spending a long weekend at her grandparents'.

"You won't have another birthday for an entire year – have your fun. We'll see you Monday," As Avery still hesitates Anna raises a brow. "Am I going to have to physically kick you out?"

Avery's lips cross into a smirk as she turns her head to look at Ethan who's already rolling his eyes. "Yeah yeah, really funny. Could we forget about that already?"

"Go. I'll see you Monday."


Ethan leaves as she does and Avery takes her eyes off the box of cake in her hands as they're out in the stairwell, shooting him a look. "You really didn't have to–"

"Yeah I did."

Her lips pull into a small smile, pads of her fingertips tapping lightly against the box. "So... it turns out I have a few hours to spare before I'm supposed to leave for the airport," She says. "But you probably already have plans."

"I'm sorry," Ethan's lips pull into a faint smirk as they reach the landing of the last set of stairs to the ground floor. "Was there a question in there?"

"Be nice," She warns. "It's my birthday."

"I'm always nice," He pushes the street door open with an exaggerated gesture of his arm, following behind as she steps out into the warm early afternoon. He walks with her around the corner, waiting as she unlocks her bike. "And no, I don't already have plans."

         Straightening up, Avery drops her bag into the basket of her bike before placing the cakebox there too. She reaches over, stealing the sunglasses perched atop his head, her smile widening into a grin as he rolls his eyes.

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