(34) Finding Grace

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While driving home, I thought back at the time I killed Maria. I had dressed as a doctor to get in. She knew she was going to die but still talked to me as if I was her friend. She told me about Grace's father, Mark. He sounded like someone I had known before and I was curious about Mark. Before I killed her, she requested me to inform Grace something, her words were....

"Tell Grace I'm sorry and I love her"

I promised her I would. However, I've never gotten to tell Grace this yet. Her organs were preserved and I had served them with Grace, I'm curious what Grace would think about that.

We had arrived back at the FBI head quarters and we went to go inform Will about what me and Jack discussed in the car, he was teaching his class about the Minnesota Shrike.
"He was shot ten times in his kitchen after slitting his daughters throat, Abigail Hobbs" Will exclaimed, wondering around the room.
"He killed eight girls and one of them eight girls had cancer, he couldn't eat her, therefore she was useless and he brought her back home. Where me and..." Will looked down at the ground, thinking about Grace. Jack sighed and put his hands in his pockets, I only sighed.
"Where me and... another agent found her, laying in bed. Class dismissed" Will walked around his desk to pack up his laptop. Me and Jack waited for the class to leave and we went to talk to Will.
"Any luck, you two?" Asked Will, he adjusted his glasses while looking at us both.
"You're sweating" I realised. He touched his forehead and saw some sweat on his fingers.
"You're scared and panicked" I added. Jack put his hand on my shoulder to tell me to stop. I cleared my throat and looked back at Will.
"I'm fine.. was there any luck?" Asked Will, starting to pack up again.
"Uh, we have a lead. Mason Verger has quadrupled his guards and armed them with guns. I've posted agents at the gates to tell me who leaves, enters and if we have an opening" exclaimed Jack.

"I know how we can get in!"

I heard from behind me. Me and Jack looked behind ourselves to see Clarice and Alana. Clarice had some papers in her hands and Alana looked pretty serious.
"Please do tell" I said, smiling.
"Mason has guards with guns but with no walkie-talkies. They have cell phones. We could knock down the service and sneak our way in. Before you interrupt, Jack. We will use silencers and some may shoot but it won't be too loud, loud enough to warn the others. We could also mask some gun shots with a truck horn, as if there's traffic passing by. We can then get in and find Grace. We could shoot our way in for all I care and I want to be the one to find Mason" exclaimed Clarice. I nodded my head in agreement to her.
"Mason is fond of large masquerade balls, he could be hosting one anytime soon" I added.
"Didn't you say he was your patient?" Asked Jack.
"He was, until stopped turning up after Grace's disappearance" I answered.
"She didn't disappear, she was taken. Why don't we get the SWAT team to just burst in?" said Will.
"He could kill Grace if we bring loud and strong forces, if we go in quietly, it'll be easier" responded Jack. I sighed at all these back and forth answers.

"When can we do it?" Asked Clarice.

"When I say so?" Said Jack

"When Will that be, Jack! Until he can do whatever he has planned to her?!"

"Agent Sterling, we have this under control"

"No. No you don't. You're saying we should basically WAIT meanwhile he could be KILLING her? MANIPULATING, maybe even torturing!"

"Sterling! We have to be careful!"

"Careful? You said be careful with Grace to me. She's 'fragile' you said, but you're just pathetic and I see that now. You're just scared. Of what is that exactly?"

"I am scared FOR Grace. I also care for her deeply, Clarice! I don't want Mason to accomplish whatever he has planned but we're the FBI not just some folk who can go around shooting people for that one person! Do you understand me?!"

Hannibal's untold story (Hannibal X Grace)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz