Chapter 5: Leaving A Lasting Impression

Start from the beginning

'Not a Bullhead'

   After a while, the Airships slowly began to descent and landed onto the bay. Then, as soon as they opened up the hatches, a broadcast was heard from the ships.

Announcer (voice-only): "Attention. Next stop, Beacon Academy. I repeat. Next stop, Beacon Academy."

   While the girls and most of the new freshmen were both excited and nervous about going to Beacon, Y/n felt a migraine was coming as he knew that he was going to a place where he, along with most of children these days, could only be described as Hell for teenagers. School...

Y/n: "*sigh* Let's get the ride to Hell over with..."


   After getting on the Airship, the quintet and the rest of the passengers were now flying at a steady pace towards Beacon Academy. While the rest of the girls were checking out the interior of the Airship except for Blake, who couldn't care less and was more focused on her book while Y/n, who was standing next to her, was still in a sour mood. He was still bothered by what Revolver did to him. He tried to cool off by examining the Airship but instead, all it did was fuel his irritation. Y/n couldn't help but feel even more annoyed as he went into a rant pointing out the flaws of the Airship.

Y/n: "Oum, this thing is killing me as an inventor/mechanic... Who the Hell designed this hunk of junk!? First of all, why is it slow as Hell!? I've seen snails that can go faster than this thing! The next problem, some of the parts of the ship are outdated as Hell! Don't these nincompoops know that if you use outdated shit, it'll break on ya faster and it's hard to get parts for it? Third problem, no seats for any of us to sit on! I refuse to have this magnificent ass stand up all day long! And the most annoying one of all, this flying tin can doesn't even have a single weapon installed whatsoever. I mean, come on! At least have a chin-mounted 500mm machine gun with armor-piercing incendiary bullets installed at least!"

    Blake couldn't help but sweatdropped at the last part after accidentally listening in on Y/n's rant.

Blake: "That's...oddly specific."

Y/n: "*looks at her* Blake, for all the years you've known me, you should know that I am a man of high tastes."

   Soon, all the girls had heard Y/n's little rant. Weiss couldn't help but roll her eyes and shake her head sideways.

Weiss: "Y/n, don't be ridiculous. I can under the speed, the use of outdated parts and the lack of seats at least but why on Remnant would a simple transport ship need a weapon? Especially a crazy one like the one you mentioned?"

Y/n: "*sarcastic tone* Gee, I don't know why, Snowflake. It's not like there are Grimm that can actually fly?"

    Y/n gave Weiss a deadpanned look as he pointed outside window. More specifically, at two bird Grimm flying at a distance away from the Airship. Nonetheless, Weiss remained unconvinced.

Weiss: "Y/n, come on. Vale is surrounded by natural barriers that protect itself from the Grimm. Shallow waters, high mountains, the only place that has Grimm are the Emerald Forest and Forever Fall. However, both are controlled environments that are constantly supervised by the Huntsmen and Vale Councils. So, adding a weapon to any or all transport-type air vehicles are wholly unnecessary."

   Hearing this, Y/n placed a hand on his forehead, as if he was receiving a vision.

Y/n: "Oh, I just had a vision from the God of Foreshadowing! She said that this shit's gonna bite everyone in the ass sometime in the future."

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