Chapter Twenty-Three

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   There was the familiar sounds of hospital machines beeping that she was getting really sick of waking up to again. A soft cry had her eyes shooting open to take note of her room. Near her bed sat Drake holding one of the babies as he put a bottle to it's mouth to eat. Lined up in a neat little row sat 3 hospital bassinets with tags that had information written in marker. She sat up to see inside each one, sighing in relief when she noted all the babies were now present in the room before peering at Drake's exhausted features as he fed the baby in his arms.
"Drake what happened?"
"Jesus woman! I didn't hear you wake up while the babies were fussing to eat. You've been out for a few hours now. They had to sedate you for a short time so that you could heal after you delivered the babies. He said you had become quite agitated after delivering and you were trying to follow the baby they took from the room when you collapsed, causing more blood loss. I came back to find them hoisting you back into bed to check for more injuries. All the babies are ok now. Our little girl was born with some problems, they had to stabilize her until her natural ability to heal took over so they could bring her back in with her brothers. They were worried about her not crying other than that they all have a clean bill of health now. Would you like to hold this one? Hes the first born and he is an eater. We never really decided on names for them so I have been waiting for you to wake up before filling out the paperwork. Here dulceata(sweetie) he is fed,changed and burped."
"He is so precious. How about we name you Alexandar Drake Kerien? Yes that sounds wonderful. Now what about your siblings, hm? Xavier Ryan Kerien for your brother I am thinking would be a good name, what does daddy think I wonder? Well, no matter he is already napping we won't wake him. What of your sister little Alex? What shall we name that precious little thing? How about Dranya Rose Kerien? I knew you'd like that little one. Now let's get you into your bed so you can nap. It is such a hard job being cute and eating so much. There, all tucked in. Now, just to tuck your dad in and we will have a regular old nap party in here."
   She dug around various cupboards, finding an extra blanket and pillow. She carefully reclined the chair Drake was stretched out in, placing the pillow under his head and the blanket over top of his tall frame before walking stiffly towards the door to flag down a nurse for something to eat. She saw a nurse down the hall talking to another nurse about something so she went to them. The nurses jumped at the sound of her voice, not expecting someone to be up.
"I am sorry I startled you. I was just wondering if there was something I could eat? Drake said that I have been out for awhile so I understand if there is nothing to eat until morning."
"We will find you something to eat don't worry about a thing! How are you feeling? Any wooziness, aches or pains? You take a nice hot shower while we search. We put towels, wash clothes, soap, shampoo, conditioner and stuff to brush your teeth in the bathroom while you slept. Don't worry about the babies we will keep an ear out so that dad can get some sleep while you shower. Would you like any drinks brought in?"
"Oh um yes please. Coffee if you have any otherwise juice would be lovely thank you."
    They smiled at her as they bustled away to search for food for her to eat. She went back to her room with the intentions to do exactly as the nurse suggested and take a nice hot shower. She peered into each bassinet to check on the triplets before going into the bathroom to turn on the shower. Steam began fogging the mirror over as she peered around her to find clean clothes.  Drake had placed a duffel bag on a hook that she began to dig through. She pulled a pair of his shorts and a tshirt out before stripping her hospital attire off and stepping into the hot spray. It didn't feel long before the nurse was quietly knocking and letting her know that her food was sitting on her bedside table. She washed herself up before she got out to get dressed in the clothes that she had swiped from Drake's bag. The events of the last few days running through her mind as she exited the bathroom to eat what the nurses had found for her. Rodrique was back and wreaking havoc across the nation and now she had gifts that she was going to have to use to send him to the gods so they could contain his evil. What had she done to him that caused him to do this? It wasn't possible for someone to have 2 soul bearers so how on earth had he become attached to her in such a way? She made a mental note to herself to check the elder library for anything like this when they were given the clear to go home. For now she would enjoy her children and her soul bearer in the safety of the supernatural hospital.

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