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   She smiled at the Fae before her bouncing around like a child who just devoured 2 pounds of chocolate covered coffee beans. They were waiting at headquarters before reporting to their shift at the police department for a meeting with the head of the Supernatural Department of Law Enforcement and Punishment or SDLEP for short. They often made fun of the name even though they knew it would not be changing any time soon. Rodrique knew what the meeting was about and remained stubbornly closed lipped for the last few days.
   The door to the office opened, a tall male supernatural exiting the room with a cold expression on his face. His eyes locked with hers, his eyes fluctuating from an ice blue to red before returning to the ice blue again, walking away with long strides before Danielle caught her attention, motioning for them to enter her office.
"Who was that? I have never seen him before and I know everyone in this building."
"That is not important right now Tonya. For now we have something to discuss that is of greater importance. Rodrique here has something he wants to tell you and he better have his paperwork with him for this little announcement as well."
"I have been wanting to say something since making the discovery but I held my ground even with your bribes. Oh! I am so proud of myself for that, you know just what to bribe me with Ton..."
"Move along with it already we all have things to do today Rodrique, including filing your paperwork in time. Now spill the damn beans already before I do it for you!"
"Right! Well Tonya, I have found my love and will be leaving to pursue her in the proper Fae way at the end of this week. It was quite sudden I know but these things just happen. I was at my visit home and she was in the local grocery store. Can you imagine?! Me finding her after living for 100 years with no hope of ever finding her!"
"Oh hell! I am so happy for you Rodrique but what does this mean for me with you leaving? I could not possibly have another partner after you! We work so well and I do not wish to replace you, I've just learned to enjoy your antics on our patrols."
"Oh Tonya it will be ok. I will be returning to you and you will always be my first love."
   He followed his statement with a wink, making her laugh. They were like brother and sister, and it made her feel better that he could make her smile even with the news of him taking his leave. She was selfish she knew for not wanting him to leave her but it took so long for her to let him in, she did not want to have to start over with someone new. He sat down next to her where she had dropped herself onto the couch at his admission. He wrapped an arm around her, giving her a squeeze before giving his attention to Danielle.
"As you know Tonya, supernaturals are required to have partners from our department when working in human professions such as yours. What this means is that we will be going through our files to find you a new partner from the supernaturals without a partner any longer. We do not have many and they are ones who could not work with each other due to a species conflict of interest. You will be meeting your new partner a week from today to resume your duties. You will be required to work with this new partner or you will no longer be allowed to work as a detective until he returns from his leave of absence and you would not be guaranteed your position back if you choose to do this. If there are no questions on anything you are dismissed."
   She scowled as she stood up. Rodrique led her from the room before she could come up with a good retort to such a rude dismissal. They exited the building towards their work vehicle in silence. What was she going to do with a new partner? She was going to have to learn to work with someone new all over again. She failed to see the point if he would be returning as her partner, honestly she probably would still be getting used to the new partner on his return. She felt his hand at the small of her back as he led her to the passenger side of the vehicle. She peered at him in question only receiving a shrug in return as she sat in the seat. He got in the driver's seat, starting the vehicle and pulling into traffic.
"It won't be so bad while I am gone you know. Who knows maybe your new partner will get you into shenanigans just like me and you will hardly notice my absence. We have gotten close over the last few years and I daresay you are more of a sister than a partner to me. It is rubbing me the wrong way to see you upset about me leaving."
"Oh Rodrique! I am not upset about you leaving to pursue your love, honest! I am upset that I will have to lose you and learn to work with someone new. I have shared so much with you and i agree we have gotten much closer over the last few years. I don't want to have to start over with someone else. What if I can not stand my new partner? I will be stuck with them until your return!"
"You will make it I believe in you. Let's enjoy the rest of our shifts together and before you know it I will be returning and you will be back to wishing that you could dunk my head in water just as siblings would do."
   She smiled at his humor before turning to the window to watch the city fly by their car. She could only hope that he was right about what he said. Yet she felt like the walls were caving in on her with each passing moment.

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