Chapter Fourteen

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   Tonya had bitten her thumb so much she had her nail almost to the nail bed. Drake continuously pulled her nail from her mouth when she started to chew with nerves, trying to prevent her nervous chewing to get all the way to the bone, which he often mentioned if she did not stop soon. They had been driving for over an hour and she now knew none of her surroundings. The city was long gone, replaced by increasing farm land and forest areas. Under normal circumstances she may have even come out to get a break from city life. Right now it just seemed to fill her to the brim with dread. What would happen if they could not stop whoever this was before their final plan was complete?

   The car began to slow down before turning into what seemed to be a large farm house complete with a big red barn. Her heart began to pick up speed as she realized that this must be where they were going to be staying indefinitely until they could get the threat neutralized. Her first order of business was to use a bathroom. She went to get out of the vehicle only to be stopped the by security team so that they could do a sweep of the house before they could enter. By the time they came back out, she was doing the bathroom dance. She ran as fast as her legs would carry her into the house towards where she would think a bathroom would be located in this kind of house. 

   She felt much better after finishing up in the bathroom. She took the time to note stuff on her way back the way she had come in to see if she could locate Drake and the security team. She found Drake sitting at the kitchen table with the team making a list of some kind. She stood awkwardly as they discussed stuff on the list before she cleared her throat to get their attention. Drake looked up at her with his liquid blue eyes with a smile. He motioned for her to approach. As she got near him, he grabbed a hold of her hand pulling her into his lap. She felt him give the top of her head a kiss as he continued to discuss the list with the team. She read through the list he was writing notes down on, realizing that it was a supply list. She glanced around the kitchen to notice that there was not much other than a few cans of most likely expired cans of vegetables on the shelves. 

"Why did they not stock the safe house? Isn't it usually stocked before they take anyone to them?"

"I am sorry ma'am but we were told that we were to get stuff from the village after we brought you here. It was to much of a risk that someone would take notice to us buying all of the required provisions in the city. Do not fear though, we will be heading out as soon as he is complete with making his list. The only thing we brought with us was stuff that Danielle packed herself. Synthetic blood for you guys and a few provisions for us. You know things that the village would be unable to provide for supernatural species. The safe house has been safe guarded for all sorts of threats including magic in nature. There is a security field that will detect any bugs that have been planted, including a blocker to prevent any possible bugs from transmitting data. Also, before we forget, Danielle sent new phones for you two to set up for yourselves to communicate securely with her. She was very adamant that you only use it to communicate with her until further notice."

"Oh, ok that makes sense I suppose. Drake could you include a few toiletries if you have not done so already? I would like to take a bath to ease some tension."

"It is already taken care of lumina vietii mele (light of my life). I am putting the last finishing touches on this list before I am sending them out to retrieve the things we need. It should not take long for them to get the stuff and come back if you would like to take a nap while they are gone. I can set the phones up while we wait."

"I do not want to nap alone. My nerves are still feeling quite frayed from all of this and I am uncomfortable being in a new place. Could you set up the phones while you sit with me?"

"Yes, I can manage that. Let me send them on their way and I will be right up. We are the last door on the left."

   She nodded slowly before standing up and heading for the upstairs of the farm house. She followed the directions to the room he said was their, noting that there were several rooms on the upper floors. She peered into each one, noting what was in each room. 3 of the rooms had beds in them but it was the room across from their room that had caught her attention. It appeared to have been an office for someone at one time, containing the old mahogany desk and chair with a small desk lamp sitting in the corner. She looked at the wall that she could not see when she entered and was surprised to notice that there was a large chalk board with newer looking magnets clinging to the dirty surface. She made a mental note to herself that she would get a suspect board put up on the chalk board to see if they could see a pattern with the case. She was startled out of her thoughts when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist without warning. She squeaked in surprise before the scent of cinnamon and cedar wrapped around her, enclosing her in a feeling of safety and warmth. He nuzzled her neck, murmuring words to her in Romanian, that although she did not understand, made her feel loved. He turned her around to face him, planting a tender kiss on her lips before giving her a questioning look.

"I was worried when I got up here and you were not in the room. I heard you muttering to yourself in here when I came out to find you. What were you talking to yourself about?"

"I saw this office and was thinking out loud that I could use that big chalk board to put a suspect board of sorts up to see if we could see some kind of pattern with all the details from the various agents. What do you think of that idea?"

"Want to get started? I think getting all the details laid out like that would be a good idea. See if there is some kind of pattern to it and maybe figure out something that could lead us to whoever this sick bastard is."

   She smiled at his agreement before he went down to grab the envelope with what agents had gathered on the different situations that had been connected together. Slowly they made a timeline of each event on the board, laying out details to go with each event. They stepped back and peered at the board. She pulled out a small map of the city, placing marks in each location that an event had occurred. She hung it up on the chalk board next to the details they had put together to look over it all compared to the map. He went down to help the agents that had just gotten back when she started to make a startling discovery. Every single event had occurred around the same time and place that each of her shifts had taken place. Either the suspect had a hard on for her or it was someone that knew her rotation well enough to know where she was at and what times she was there. At the earliest attacks there was only a few people that would have known her schedule that intimately. Danielle, her superior and her partner. Her panic began to increase, her heart beating wildly against her rib cage, as pieces began to fall together in her mind. She felt herself going into an anxiety attack, hyperventilating until her vision began to turn dark as she felt herself beginning to fall towards the floor. Her last thought was that she was going to kill that stupid Fae when she got her hands on him. Rodrique was the supernatural mastermind behind all of the attacks that had been going on. Why would he do this? She felt the cold floor as her face bounced off it before she went out completely.

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