Chapter Four

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   Her mouth hung on its hinges at his bold statements. What the hell language was he reverting to anyway? She must of still had her mouth hung open when she felt his callused fingers against her skin as he shut her mouth with a deep chuckle. She caught herself before she began to rub her face into his fingers, glaring back at him with a look that she hoped did not betray her inner turmoil over the new feelings she was feeling.
"I think I will stick to synthetic blood. You have no say in it so don't you even think about growling at me again! Don't you have a house to go to and let me heal in peace? We are partners at work and that's where it stops. How did you even get them to let you stay in here?"
"That is of no importance to you. I have rank and age on you, which I am now pulling for you to make a smarter decision. My blood or living donor blood, which shall it be?"
" can' can you pull rank on me?! They said I was being paired with someone of equal rank!!"
"They lied. I did not want my rank known for obvious reasons. Now decision time, which one shall it be?"
"Do...donor blood. You have given me enough to pay back whatever debt you feel you owe me. Don't you live somewhere? I am sure there are things you could be taking care of, bills being paid, cobwebs to put up or something other than you staring at me!"
"Is me watching you bothering you that much dragoste (love) ? I would suggest you get use to it. I do not plan on leaving your side until you are healed enough to leave this hospital. I have a house manager to take care of things at my home. You will be stuck with me until then. As your partner, it is my job to watch your back until you can do so on your own and as of yet you can not do so. I suggest you focus your stubbornness on more useful tasks such as healing if you wish to be rid of me."
   Her mouth dropped back open at his boldness. Was this some kind of sick torture? Did she die back in that alley and this is punishment for some sin she unknowingly committed in her life? Surely someone would come to their senses and get him to leave right? Her frustration with him was mounting higher, she could feel her incisors lengthening in her mouth scraping her lip. She let out a growl of frustration before she refocused on Drake's face. His eyes had turned a glowing crimson while she waged her internal battle with his face getting mere inches from her. She could see the glowing crimson of her own eyes reflecting back at her through his. His voice came out as a deep guttural sound sending shivers down her spine.
"Fii atent la jocul cu diavolul, iubire. S-ar putea să fii ars.(Be careful about playing with the devil, love. You might just get burnt.)"
   With his last statement he turned and exited the room. What the actual shit was that? What did he even say to her? She squirmed her way down into the bed into a comfortable position before she drew the blankets over her head. What was that saying again? Hear no evil, see no evil? Something like that, if she could not see him or hear him maybe she will retain her sanity until she could get out of this god forsaken hospital and into her own bed. Preferably without his presence hovering so close to her. When was Rodrique coming back to save her from this madness?

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