Chapter Six

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   She got dressed in the clothes the nurse had provided for her, folding the waist band of the scrub bottoms to try and keep them up on her hips. When she exited the bathroom, Drake was nowhere to be seen. The nurse set about getting her vitals, humming a tune as she went about her business. She checked on the wound she had, making a sound she could only assume was approval before asking her if she would like to feed or if she was up to having some actual food for dinner now that her wound was healing up nicely. She opted for some macaroni and cheese with a cup of coffee.
   She sat in bed watching tv while she waited for her dinner to be brought in, wondering where Drake could have disappeared to. Her phone vibrated on the end table startling her from her thoughts. Who could possibly be texting her? The only people who had her cell number was headquarters and Rodrique.
'I am sorry for my behaviour. I should not have let myself lose control as I did. I am not sorry that I did it though. The doctor has assured me that you will be discharged tomorrow so I will be back in the morning to drive you home. I have set up for someone to stop in and check on you while I am away. Do not argue with me as it has already been done and approved by headquarters. Have a good night Tonya.'
'How did you get this number I did not give it out to anyone else other than headquarters and Rodrique.'
'Does not matter how I got it.'
'Tell me.'
   She sighed in frustration when she did not receive an answer after that. What was happening? Why was he leaving so suddenly? Was it because of what happened tonight between them? She dropped her face into her hands and felt the tears welling up as she began to blame herself for his sudden departure. What else could possibly go wrong in her life? Well she may as well mark it on her calendar, the dip shit that managed to lose 2 partners within a 2 month period. Granted the first one wasn't actually her fault but no one would care that he left to find his happily ever after. Why did she even care that he was leaving? She should be angry at him for what he did tonight! So why wasn't she? Did she subconsciously want this from him? Lord help her she was going to go insane from all of this.
   They brought her dinner in at 6 o'clock, letting her know the kitchen would be open until 7:30 if she decided she was hungry for more. They had added a side of broccoli stating that they had to have a vegetable on the order but she didn't have to eat it. She hadn't felt hungry due to the emotional rollercoaster she had felt like she was on however she took a bite for the sake of the nurse standing there waiting for her to try it. She hadn't expected the food to taste as good as it did, eating everything on the plate before calling down for more to be brought up. They not only brought up extra food for her to pick at throughout the night, they even brought a big black coffee pitcher for her with all the fixings for it. She happily munched until it was closing in on midnight. What couldn't food cure anymore? She slid down into bed and smelt a familiar scent on the covers. Pulling it closer, she took a bigger whiff of it and realized that Drake's scent was on her bed spread. She smiled weakly at herself and took what little comfort she could at his scent.
   She let herself drift off to sleep with the last thing she thought being that she had scared Drake off. Her dreams consisted of replaying what had happened in the shower. She felt everything as if she were right back in the moment. The feel of his hand around her, being pressed up against the tile and even the bite to her lip. She felt his wet jeans against her thighs and the movement of his hips as they had kissed like hungry animals devoured food.
   She woke with a startled gasp. What on earth was wrong with her? She was going to find out and she knew just who she was going to ask. She did not have the benefit of learning about her species like most people did. She was abandoned by her parents, having been found by one of the agents from headquarters about a young girl who was withering away no matter what the orphanage fed her. She truthfully did not know how she had made it without biting someone, knowing instinctively that she could not reveal herself at a young age. She had mentors sure, each one taking a turn to instill knowledge the best they could to a child that hadn't fully understood she wasn't a normal child. Why had no one told her about what was now going on or that it was even a possibility? She had gone so long without feeling anything sexual towards another that she truly felt that she was broken inside. Now Drake walked into her life and turned it upside down in record time just to disappear afterwards. She peered sleepily at the clock, realizing that it was almost time for him to arrive to drive her home. She got up, stretching out her muscles, her scrub top riding up to expose her stomach and part of her lower back. A deep growl sounded behind her, startling her causing her to spin around. There stood Drake in the doorway to her room, eyes glowing a crimson red yet again. She fixed her top to cover the skin of her stomach before glaring at his sudden appearance. He blinked, his eyes returning to the artic blue she was used to seeing before he motioned for her to grab her stuff. She had tossed all of what she had into a bag that the hospital had given her, including the containers of food they had graciously given her to munch on during the night. She followed him out in silence as he led her to what she could only assume was his private vehicle. Sitting in the pick up lane sat a brand new mustang gt in a black cherry finish. He opened the passenger door, taking her bag from her as she sat down in the passenger seat. He tossed the bag into the back seat before getting in. He drove in silence, not even the radio was on to disperse the quiet. She did not bother to question how he knew where she lived, just wanting to get away from the awkward silence.
   When they arrived at her house, he walked her inside, depositing her bag into a chair before nodding to her and handing a legal sized envelope to her before he left her alone in her house. What in the hell had he just handed to her? Thinking the worst, she opened the envelope. Inside was documents detailing who would be checking in on her and what times they would be stopping in. She sighed in frustration before tossing the papers onto the kitchen island. Now what was she going to do for the next week until she was allowed to return to active duty?

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