chapter 3

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(A/N: heya! This chapter, as I said, will be another time skip. This time the skip will be year from the last chapter. Meaning Shouyou is 15 rn

The credit of the pic ^ belongs to @ hiya_cass from instagram!

Hope you enjoy this chapter!)

⚠️ Warning: This chapter contains self harm, abuse, disowning, slight eating problems⚠️

~Shouyou's pov~

It's been year, my tics has gotten worse. Today, I will find out if I have tourette's or not. It's most likely that I will have it. The relationship with me and my family has gotten worse. My step dad, Jake, abuses me, with words and by kicking me and hitting me. My step brother, Max, calls me names. Names like "stupid, annoying, worth of space, unloved". My mom just ignores everything. It almost hurts more than my bleeding cuts and dark bruises.

I am doing like shit mentally. I am self harming. I havr lots of scars and fresh red lines on my arms and legs. Some even on my stomach. No one has noticed or no one just cares enough. I started doing it about half a year ago. It's kind of like escaping all of the toughts, loneliness, emptiness.

Only thing to keep me alive at this moment is volleyball and my best friends Koji and Izumi, the only people who care. They don't know about the self harm, but they know I bearly get to eat. It's not that I don't want to eat, it's that my "family" have told me I don't deserve food, so they don't let me eat. So I need to eat secretly or I get food from my friends. Hate to bother them, but they say it's ok.

I woke up from a bang on my room's door. "Wake up brat!" Yelled Jake. I just got up and put on a hoodie and sweatpants. I went to the bathroom, I looked at myself from the mirror. "I look like shit," I told to myself. I had bags under my eyes, I was very skinny and white as a ghost. I also had some cuts and bruises on my neck and face. "Stupid Jake," I mumbled under my breath. I washed my face, used the toilet, went back to my room to take my phone. I took a deep breath befor walking out from the room. I went downstairs to wait my mom, so we could leave.

"Morning stupid man whore," said Max. I just looked down and anwsered with quiet morning. Oh yeah, they also found out I was gay. What a fun night that was. Jake walked to the room and slaped back of my head as an 'morning'. My head swang to the side and I hummed. "Maybe sometime me hitting your head would fix it," Jake said. My mom walked to the room. She said morning to Max and Jake and ignored me, like usual.

~3rd person's pov~

Shouyou and his mom went to the doctors. Shouyou was playing with his fingers all the way there, his head jerking to the side time to time and arms moving foward a little every now and then too. He also hummed most of the ride.

Once they got to the hospital, where they will meet the doctor. Shouyou was jerking his head to his side anxiosly while waiting his name to be called. After few long minutes a doctor walked there and called, "Hinata Shouyou." Shouyou got up and walked to the doctor with his mom following behind. The doctor smiled and said, "follow me please." Shouyou and his mom followed to the doctor to a different room.

The doctor, apperently named 'Kondo Arakan', so said in his name tag on his jaket. "I'm dr. Kondo, sadly  dr. Jonson coudn't be here today, he has been very busy lately," said the doctor friendly. Shouyou juat nodded his head and hummed trying to calm down, so his vocal tics wouldn't get bad. "So, does my son have tourettes? Or is it aomething else?" Shouyous mom asked the dr. Kondo.

• Forced words •  (IwaOiHina story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz