extra: TIME SKIP

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Author : heya lovely people ! It's been, billion years. I'm giving u a time skip chapter, u want it or not ! I'm still so surprised and so honored with all the love this (old af not so good) story !! T-T

I'm glad u all have enjoyed the story, it's been a little while since I 1st wrote this lol ! Quite a bit of stuff has happend ! But yeah, anywho !

Also, while Hinata is talking, I will be using bold to show tics that he might have there :)

Hinata will be 25 and Iwaizumi and Oikawa will be 27, idk if those are random ages to be but it izz what it izz.

3rd pov

Shoyo, Hajime and Tooru are happily together, 10 years later. They tell people they are married, even tho they aren't actually married in the books, since that's almost impossible with 3 people, but maybe someday.

Shoyo is 6 years clean, he had an collaps few years into being clean when some old wounds were open by some bad people. (Don't worry Hajime and Toore handeled it and calmed Shoyo down) also had a little collaps and breakdown when he was gone in Brazil.

They live in an appartment in tokyo, 3 bedroom appartment, have enough space for all of them.
Tooru and Shoyo plays volleyball professionally now. Toorus knee is still pain in the ass sometimes, but he has his boyfriends reminding him to rest and not to go over his limits. And ofc Hajime helps with it too, knowing how to stretch it. 

Hinata's pov

I was sitting with Hajime and Tooru in room we were going to be interviewed in. I was really nervous, and it has made my tics little bit worse than usually. My head kept twitching to the side and I made a little 'pop' sound with my mouth. I was trying my best to keep calm, reminding myself to breath over and over again.

I suppose Hajime and Tooru noticed my nervousness too, and they put their hands on my tights to help me stay calm and to let me know they are here for me. 'gosh I love them,' I tought in my head.

Few minutes later the interviewer and the camera man came into the room. The interviewer sat down opposite of us and introduced himself, "I'm William Cloudfish." He smiled at us and said "the interview will start in few minutes once the cameraman gets everything set up." Hajime nods and I say "great!" And make a little pop sound again. I was starting to get even more nervous now that it was so close to starting, and it was live !

Few minutes went by and the interviewer, William, looked at the camera and started the show/interview, "hello everyone ! Welcome to Your saturday gossip! We have special guests here today, Hinata Shouyo, Oikawa Tooru and Iwaizumi Hajime ! Welcome to the live u three!"
"Thank you! Glad to be here today !" I said happily, trying not to be too loud. I made yet again another pop sound and my eyes twitch close few times.
"Thank you, William, glad and honored to be here today," sais Hajime calmly.
"Thank you ! i have waited excitedly for this interview ! So excited to be here", sais Tooru, almost jumping up from his chair.

"I'm glad you all could make it here today, taking to count ur busy life. Would you like to introduce yourself to the Your saturday gossip viewers?" asked William with a smile on his face
All of us nodded our heads.

"I'm Iwaizumi Hajime, I'm Athelic trainer and I used to play volleyball in middle school and high school in Aoba Johsai.." said Hajime calmly. Not sure what to say.

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