Chapter 11

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A/N: heyy! I hope everyone had a lovely week! And welcome to read the next chapter of my fan fic!

It's so crazy to me that people even read this story! I didn't expect anyone to even find it, let alone read it! But there is already 5.1K reads! That's so wild! Damn! Thank you so much for everyone who has read this and have been enjoying this fan fic!

⚠️ ! warning: This chapter contains, mentions of rape and suicide, mentions of self harm, break downs, panic attacks and throwing up ¡ ⚠️

~Oikawa's pov~

I was driving to Shouyou's place as fast as I could. Iwa-chan was on the front seat next to me. Both of us were panicing and tought about the worse. My head was full of thoughts about how I did or said something wrong, or did I not show him enough love.

I knew Iwa-chan was thinking about the same thing. But our eyes still had some hope of us not being there too late.

After few minutes we got to Shouyou's apartment building. We both rushed out from the car and ran to Shouyou's appartment. Iwa-chan opened the door with shaky hands. Once the door was open, we rushed into the apartment and ran to the bathroom.

I froze in horror of what I saw. My, our boyfriend was sitting against the shower wall, covered in his own blood. "N-no- S-Shouyo-" I tried to talk. I was starting to panic more. Iwaizumi opened his phone and calles 911. "Oikawa try s-stop the bleeding- I will call help!" He yelled at me, his voice almost giving up.

I just nodded and went to have some towels and started to press them against the bleeding cut wounds. I also tried his pulse, slow but it was there.

It felt like forever, before the ambulance was there. They took Shouyou and rushed him to the hospital. I was shaking like a leaf when wind hits it. My hands were covered in blood. I looked at Iwa- Hajime. He was shaking and at the edge of tears. He huged me closely, and my tears started to fall. After few minutes Hajime opend his mouth, "w-we need to go to the hospital Tooru." I nodded my head. I quickly washed my hands from the blood and we went back to my car.

After long 10 minutes we got to the hospital. We rushed in and went to the counter asking where Hinata Shouyou was. We were told that he was in room 276. We nodded thanked the nurse and went to the room. We didn't get in the room yet tho.

~Iwaizumi's pov~

We waited outside the room. I was holding Tooru close as he cried to my chest. I was trying not to cry. 'He's fine. He's fine. He's strong,' was going in my head with some other toughts.

After few minutes a doctor came out from the room. Me and Tooru stood up. "I-is he okay?" I asked the doctor. "Are you somehow related to Hinata Shouyou?" The doctor asked us. "We are his boyfriends- h-his own family don't really care and dis-disowned them," I said stuttering a little.

The doctor nodded his head. "He's okay, he lost lots of blood, but we gave him some so the stuff will go to normal. He had deep cuts on his arm, we closed them with stitches. His body had some strong medication in them, but we flushed as much as we could out- he's asleep rn will most likely be for a little while. Once he wakes up he will feel weak and might throw up and stuff. But he will be alright. Apperently also, looking at his medical records, he has tried to kill himself befor. Oh and he has hickeys all over his body- we don't know who they are- but are those from you since u told u were his boyfriends?"

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