Chapter 2

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(A/N: heyaa! Just gonna tell that this chapter will be again a "little" skip foward. So another about 6 months foward from the last chapter! So Shouyou is now 14 in the story)

⚠️ warning! this chapter has some abuse in it, be aware and don't read if it triggers you ⚠️

~ 3rd person's pov ~

Shouyou woke up to his alarm going off. He groaned and sat up. His head jerked to the side and he hummed a little. Shouyou's vocal 'tics' started few months back. They weren't too bad yet, so they didn't bother the classes much. But they did as they were told by the doctor, they went to another appointment if his vocal tics start. Well they did, so they went to the doctor's again. Now they need to keep eye on Shouyou's tic for some time befor they can actually know if he has tourettes. He got up from his bed and went to bathroom. Shouyou washed his hands and face. He hummed and jerked his head to the side. "Why did I needed to get this?" He asked himself. He jush sighned and went back to his room, so he could put on his uniform.

He was done changing and have put his books into his bag. Shouyou went downstairs to make some breakfast for himself. He tried to be as quiet as he could, so he wouldn't wake anyone up. Shouyou didn't want to get yelled at bc is making so much noise. His tic made him jerk his hand, what had knife in it (bc he was cutting up bread), fastly. The knife slit a cut to his arm. "Tsh- f-fu- that hurt," Shouyou said quetly. He washed it and put some bandaid over it, since the cut wasn't too deep or big.

After eating his breakfast, he went to put on his shoes and jacket. After doing that he took his bag and went outside. Shouyou took his bike and went to school.

~ Time skip to 1st class ~

~shouyou's pov~

I was in my homeroom teachers class. I was trying not to do anything to disturb the class, but it just made them worse. Thank god the teachers have said to me about the tics and stuff less, since we told them that I might have a tourettes. I get some mean looks from my classmates, since the tics can be like me banging the desk, moving weirdly (kinda like when u get shivers like that) or just making some little noises. 'Thank god it's almost summer holiday,' I tought to myself, 'even tho then I need to then be with my family all of the hours of the month.' I sighned a little. I was looking outside from the window, again not really paying attention to the teacher or the students. I every now and then get little tics when I'm looking outside. I kinda feel little more calm in a way like that.

The teacher was calling my name. I looked at her confused. "Do you have any idea what I have told to the class past 30 minutes Hinata?" Asked the teacher. I just looked down a little and shook my head. The classroom burted out laughing. 'They are laughing at you stupid' said a vokce back of my head. I jerked my head to the side few times. "Now now, calm down class. Please try to pay attention to the class Hinata, you don't need your grades going any down," said the teacher, befor starting to talk to the class again.

I was trying my best to pay attention to the class, but it was hard. It was hard bc of the tics I have. That's not all of the reason but that's biggest part of it. I started to just doodle something random like volleyballs to my notebook. I suddenly slammed my fist to the table. I felt everyone's eyes on me. 'God. I want to disapear,' I tought to myself while hiding my face to my hands. I was trying not to cry. All the stuffs back home (mom ignoring me, telling me I'm useless, just leaving me on my own bc she has "better son now") and having like no friends at school anymore. Sure I have my childhood friends but we haven't really been together much either. Everyone stares at me when ever I do anything and laugh when I do something wrong or fall or drop something. 'Thank god there is only year of this and I can go to new school,'I tought and sighned.

I heared the lunch bell ring. I took my bento box from my back bag and went to find Izumi and Kōji. I found them and smiled and sprinted to them. "Heyy! You want to eat lunch together?" I asked while my head was jerking to the side fastly. They looked at each other befor looking at me. "Sure," they said at the same time.
I smiled and walked with them. They got some foor for the school's canteen while I was finding an empty table. I found one and sat there opening my bento. I didn't have a lot, because I needed to pack it in a hurry. I still had some toast, rice, veggies and some water in a small waterbottle I owned.

After a little Kōji and Izumi walked to me with their food. "Sorry, the line was pretty long," apologied Izumi. I just told them it was alright. We started to eat and talk about random stuff. 'The only good part of today,' I tought to myself. I slamed the table and hummed loudly. Kōji jumped up a little bc it scared him, izumi just looked at me. "Not to be rude, but why can't u stop doing those movements?" Asked Izumi. I just smiled a little and anwsered, "doctors think I have tourettes. And these are my tics that are "evolving", and they just happen even if I don't want to." They just nodded and then Kōji asked, "when will u know if u have tourettes or not?" I just shruged. Since I didn't really know myself either. "They were talking something about a year of just seeing if my tics stay or get worse- I don't really know," i anwsered. They nodded again and left the subjekt to there. We kept eating and talking till lunch break was over. We said our bye's and we left to our classes.

~ time skip to after school ~

~3rd person't pov~

Shouyou was on his way back home. He was going pretty slow, since he didn't want to be told how disapointed his mom was on him and how she never asked for a "broken" kid. 'What even happend to my mom? She was sweet and caring befor her new partner came to our life,' he tought to himself. Shouyou stoped at a park and went there to get his head out of home and school. He got his volleyball and started to throw it up and down.

After a good 30 minutes he started to go back home. If u can even call it home anymore. His tics started to act up again. The closer he got home, the worse the tought got and so did the tics. Shouyou just sighned and kept going till he was back home. Shouyou left his bike to the side, took his bag and volleyball and went inside to the house.

~Shouyou's pov~

I heared talking and laughing from somewhere. It was my mom, the new dad, Jake and the new son, Max. "They are eating without me again," I mumbled under my breath. I went to the kitchen to see if they left me any, but yet again, they didn't. I signed and made some ramen to myself. I hummed loudly as a tic as my head swang to the side. I heared steps. I looked at the kitchen door and saw Jake standing there. "Could u make less noises. Me and my family are trying to have a nice dinner," he said coldly. "B-but I'm part o-of the family too- I-I was here firs-" befor I could finnish the sentence, my head was slammed against the kitchen cabinet. I whined a little bc of the pain in my head. "You are not part of the family. She has better one and she's much happier like this. We don't need you or your loud ass," he said spitting on to my face. I just nodded shakily and he let go of me and I fell to the ground. I felt a palm hit my face. Some tears fell from my eyes and my head jerked to the side. Jake talked again, "Weak ass bitch." I heared him leave back to "his family" and told my mom he just "gave me a small innocent lesson". I could hear my mom laugh and say ok as an anwser.

After few minutes I stood up shaking a lot. I ended up leaving to my room without eating anything, even tho I made myself some ramen. I was shaking the whole time, I fell to the floor once I got to my room. My head started to jerk to the side fastly, it hurted my neck. I crawled to my bed and curled up. "Maybe I am just weak bitch," I said quietly, befor drifting to sleep. 
Word count: 1570

A/N: heya! I hope you enjoyed the chapter! It's slightly shorter than the last one. I promise I will try making the stoey more intresting ;^; I am trying. I am kinda new to making stories that I actually will post. But I think it's pretty good for something I haven't planned befor hand. I'm just writing how I am feeling at that moment.

Also! Next chapter, again, will be after some time skip. Just to save time and start making it more intresting in a way i guess? Tell me if there is any way I could make the story any better!

Have an amazing week! O will try writing the next part and publish it this week once it's done!

Thanks for reading! 💗

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