Ch 8 |The Final Bet

Start from the beginning

Park nodded, not getting Forth's meaning at all. "We are friends, what's the need to be so secretive? If he had asked me then I'd have told him. But look at him. Clearly his fault but still he's the one sulking around." He raised his hands in air.

"I heard that!" Lam yelled from behind. Instantly Park lowered his whole body intending to hide away.

"You know what? Don't disturb my sleep for your meaningless fight." Forth warned Park and rested his head on the desk again to sleep.

Park didn't disturb him again, he peeked behind on Lam, at the same time Lam looked back at him. Their eyes met and Lam snorted coldly.

Park gulped. He's angry.

Later when lunch break came Forth left them both behind to rush to Beam. Lam also followed him, Park hurried up to Lam.

He tried to talk with him but Lam didn't reply at all. Park sighed. "Oh fine my fault, don't ignore me now."

Lam gave him a look then snorted again. "It's my fault but still I am the one sulking around. Oh why don't you go sulk too if you care about it so much!"

"You wouldn't come to make up with me then." Park murmured then sighed again.

He saw Lam is not going to give up any time soon, thus he grabbed his wrist and dragged him to their secret place, behind the building. He pushed him on the wall and put his hands on both sides of him.

"Don't be angry anymore." Park hissed.

Lam crossed his hands on his chest, hissing too. "Who's angry?"

"You not gonna give up?" Park asked the last time and Lam didn't reply, glaring at him instead.

Park knows how to handle Lam, he forget about talking and kissed Lam. They have done the same routine every time they fight.

Soon Lam's legs became all jelly like, he couldn't stand on his own, Park hugged him and put Lam's legs on his waist, kissing him again.

After their make out session they will forget all about their fight and turn all friendly again.

Meanwhile Beam, Forth, Kit and Phana were eating in their class, they all were eating Beam's hand made lunch.

Phana frowned seeing Forth's lunch box. "I got it you are dating, but do you really had to make a difference in our lunch boxes too."

Forth replied instead of Beam. "Yes, he had to. I will make a clear difference between a best friend and a boyfriend." He firmly declared it.

Kit did not care he was busy eating the delicious pasta, it would have been more delicious if it was warm and there weren't nuisances around him.

On the other hand Phana and Forth started a glaring competition.

Both of them are such children. Beam thought but didn't dare to say it out loud.

When no winner could be found out by their glaring competition, Forth turned to Beam. "Why do you have to make lunches for them both?"

"Oh I would like to know the exact same. Why you have to make lunch for him too?" Phana sneered.

Beam looked in between them, he don't know whom to reply first, or if he should even reply. In the end he chose to stay quiet.

Phana humped at him and started eating his lunch. Forth turned to Beam, and spoke near his ear. "Beamie, can I stay at your place tonight?"

Beam smiled at him, then feed him from his spoon and spoke one word. "No."

"Ow, please I will not do anything." He pleaded.

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