Ch 7 | Start Anew

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Beam sat on Forth's bike's back seat, keeping a little distance between them or else they will get too horny.

Leaving the bike at the same spot as yesterday, then walking to his home. All the way Forth kept his hands in his pockets and Beam kept one step's distance in between them. When they reached the home, Forth stepped aside to give Beam the way, opening the door and going inside.

Forth was the second to go inside, he closed the door behind him, locking it too, then he put his hands back in his pockets and leaned back on it, gazing at Beam.

Beam saw that Forth's not gonna lead the way, he chuckled and came closer to Forth, putting both his hands beside Forth on door, while still maintaining a distance he pushed his face forward and gave a peck on Forth's lips. Then looking up at him, when he saw that Forth's eyes are full of thirst he absentmindly bit his own bottom lip, forwarding his face again to kiss Forth.

This time too it was a peck, but he didn't leave his lips for a minute, looking at Forth again, when he found that he can't control it anymore, he moved his hands to Forth's shoulders and started smooching him.

They were pecking and smooching each other as if a maiden who haven't ever done a French kiss.

Forth still didn't take his hands out of his pocket but his lower half was coming out instead. Both of them were hard and wanted something more, but kept going on with this pure slow kiss.

Then Beam licked Forth's lips with his tongue and nibbled at them, telling Forth with his actions that he wants something more. Forth grinned in between their kisses, then he too took his tongue out and started licking each other's lips and tongue, Beam pushed all his weight on Forth, grabbing his neck and shoulder and kissing him fiercely, biting his tongue and sucking hardly on it. When he noticed that Forth still hasn't taken his hands out he glared at him.

"Are you gonna do it or not?" He hissed at Forth.

Forth started chuckling, Beam felt irritated and was backing away from him when Forth suddenly grabbed his waist and hugged him while stuffing his face into Beam's neck.

"I was giving you a chance to dominate it, but I guess you want to be submissive." He chuckled again and started sucking Beam's neck, leaving red marks on it.

Beam pouted at Forth teasing him, he grabbed Forth's shirt and opened it enough to see the collarbone, then he bit on it. Forth was taken by surprise and grunted at getting bitten suddenly.

He looked at Beam, Beam looked back at him, both of them stared at each other for a while before finally starting everything again.

They again kissed, bit, sucked and licked each other's lips and tongue. Beam has already put all his weight on Forth, Forth made sure to grab his waist tightly and squeezing his buttocks.

They went on it for a while, Forth licked Beam's jaw and bit his chin before licking it again. When Forth felt he can't go on like this, he grabbed Beam and started going to his room, Beam clung to Forth's body as a panda, and didn't leave his lips even for a second.

Forth had to push him on the bed and close the door of his room, can't take the risk of someone catching them. Then he grabbed Xiao Chi and his box and threw him outside.

He opened the buttons of his shirt and threw it on the floor. Beam took off his pant, not caring about the shirt. He threw his boxer on the floor too, lying on the bed, still wearing the shirt while naked from bottom, he rubbed his dick and closed his eyes.

Forth was getting drunk on this view, suddenly he started feeling angry, he jumped on Beam and grabbed his neck. "How many people has seen this view?" He threatened. But Beam was already out of his mind, he didn't answer instead grabbed Forth and pushed him beneath him, opening his belt and taking off his pants.

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