18: I Still Don't Have A Problem

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Ben's POV:

After last night, for obvious reasons, I decided to forced Danny to go to a sleep specialist. I hoped that they could fix his problem, but heaven only knows if it'll be okay or not. It was hard enough getting him here. He fought pretty much everyone that tried to get him to sleep. Eventually, they had to drug him to force it. Right now, I'm in the waiting room while he's getting tested. I bit my fingernails while I paced. "Is he-"

"He's not out yet!" The receptionist snapped at me. I'd been asking over and over, worried that something wasn't going to go right. 

I rubbed my hands together so hard that my calices bothered my skin. What if something really is wrong with him? We've been ignoring it all this time. I wish we would have done something to fix it sooner. 

"Pace guy!" The receptionist announced at me. 

"It's Benjamin," I corrected her. 

"Whatever. Your friend's out. Results to be delivered shortly." She nodded to Danny walking down the hallway and back to me. 

I looked at him expectantly. When he got close enough, I asked him how it when. "It wasn't the greatest experience in the world. I think I have to write that one down." He lifted his shirt to reveal his notebook tucked into his jeans. He took it out and began to record his nightmare.

"What did they say?"

"They said that they think I have a problem. But they're wrong." He glanced over  at the chairs. "We can sit I suppose." I followed him over to them and sat next to him. 

"Night terrors?" I asked.

"Surprisingly, no. I don't have those. They think that I have an anxiety disorder. That's bullshit because I've never had this problem before."

"Maybe you have, but it's just gotten worse," I suggested. An anxiety disorder would explain the nightmares, and the phobia. 

We sat there quietly for a moment before Danny rested his head on my shoulder. "I don't know what they gave me, but I'm still exhausted."

I thought about the two other times that he'd fallen asleep on me. Those were the only two times in months that he hadn't experienced a single nightmare. Seeing as how that was probably better, I let him lay there. 

Danny was just beginning to snore when his doctor walked out with a clipboard and some news. I shook him awake and he shot up. "What?"

"We've come to a conclusion."

"Which is?" I encouraged, wanting to get the news over with. 

"He has a nightmare disorder, which can be linked to about the worst case of separation anxiety that we've ever seen."

"I'm autophobic. I don't have separation anxiety," Danny corrected him.

"Right, right. The worst case of autophobia we've ever seen," The doctor rolled his eyes, clearly not enjoying having to argue with Danny over something that he clearly knew better. 

"And what's the cure?" I asked.

"Seeing as how we've never had him as a patient, and that there's no medication for nightmares, we could simply suggest an anxiety medication. This may help ease the stress of fearing the loss of someone."

"Great, " Danny said, standing. "We'll be going now. " He was about to walk away, but I stopped him. 

"Sit." The word was firm. 

Danny groaned as he took his position next to me once more. 

"Would physical reassurance cure such an issue? " I asked. 

"What? " Danny looked at me strangely. 

"Elaborate, " The doctor encouraged me. 

"Well, once, I held Danny's hand and his nightmares went away. And once, he fell asleep on me. Nothing bad that night either. " 

The doctor rubbed his chin. "Fascinating. I suppose that physical reassurance couldn't hurt, if you think that it'll help. " 

"We have to sleep together? " Danny sounded both worried and excited. 

"Doctor's orders, " I told him. 

"Yes, yes. And I'll call up the pharmasist that you have listed here to get you that medication as well. That'll be all for today. " He waved us away. 

Once we'd returned to the bus, Danny looked at me with a serious gaze in his eyes. "Are you sure about it? "

"It doesn't mean anything. Just... No more bunks. " I shrugged it off. "Plus, your sleep is more important to me than it used to be. " 

"Why's that? " 

"Because now, if you try to fall asleep, you only wake up the rest of us. It's annoying as fuck. " 

"I'm sorry. " He looked down. 

I shook my head. "It's not your fault. But if this means we can finally sleep, then I'm all for it. "

I sat down on one of the benches, as James entered the scene. "How did it go? " He asked. 

Danny shrugged. "I'm fine, no matter what they say. " 

"He has a nightmare disorder, and has been told that he has to sleep with me, " I explained. 

"What the hell kind of doctor are you going to that prescribes sex? " 

"Not like that! " I took a breath before speaking on. "Within proximity. Like, next to each other. Not-" 

Danny put his hand over my mouth, shutting me up. "Shut up, Ben." 

I nodded, pulling out of his grip. "Sorry." 

"It's okay. We all know how you really feel about Danny, " James assured me. 

Danny glared at me. 

I found myself at a loss for words. I didn't want to correct James, but Danny's having such a bad day.... 

Screw it, I don't care. I simply nodded at what James had said. 

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