It's a secret

13 2 6

⚠ Use of a bad word ahead ⚠

Something I know
About someone's pain
Something I know
That I can't explain
To anyone else
Because it's someone's

Something I hide
which is hurting
Something I have beside
All of them knowing
Something that, that someone
can't share, something called a

Sometimes I wonder
What if I blurt?
Sometimes I surrender
To their state of hurt
I want to help but I can't
My hands are tied as it's a

Someone is doing it
To them, hard to stop,
Someone has to suck it
But I can't reply
I can't say the truth
Pain continues, it's a

Somewhere it shooks
my existence knowing it,
Somewhere in my heart
I know I can help
But I stand helpless
My words bound as it's a

Somewhat different it is to say
Kind of foolish too
Somewhat hard it is to slay
Kind of feelings related,
Silence of outside
Screams of the inside, it's a

Someways to deal with it
Where I fight along, or
Someways to seal it
Where I shut every mouth
But alas, it's not mine
And it's my peer's, it's a

Somehow we could have defied
But the feelings stuck
Somehow we could have fooled
Ourselves, but it's a daring fuck,
The swirl of thoughts.
The bugging of conscience, it's a

Someday we will realise,
Or my peer will, it's funny to have kept that secret.
Someday I will vaporize
And have it still preserved within
But right now, it delicate
It's tender, after all, it's a

Thank you for reading🤗

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