Act 5: Grimoire | Banana

Start from the beginning

Hestia: "I can't wait!" Hestia jumps off the bed and lands next to the closet. She opens up the closet.

Hestia: "Bell, I'll see you at six o' clock this evening in Southwest Main, at Amour Square!" Hestia grabs some clothes and leaves the church.

Bell: "Where is she going?"

Y/N: "Probably the gods bath house."

Bell: "Gods bath house?"

Y/N: "It's exactly how it sounds. Well enjoy your day Im going to the dungeon."

Bell: "Eh? You're not coming!?"

Y/N: "Of course not, you only invited Hestia remember?" Y/N smirks at Bell and walks up the stairs.

Bell: "You're right! It was supposed be all three of us! Senpai wait! Senpai!" Y/N stabs a Kobold through the chest for it to disappear. Y/N sheathes his sword then kneels down and starts to pick up the magic stones.

Y/N: "I don't understand what's going on...where are you Kouta-sama?" Y/N takes out his moldy lockseed to look at it.

Voice: "So you're the new Gaim." Y/N quickly stands up and turns around to see a white creature.

" Y/N quickly stands up and turns around to see a white creature

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Y/N: "What the!?"

Creature: "My name is Grinsha, a Overlord." Y/N takes out his Sengoku Driver.

Grinsha: "I never met the first Gaim but that does not matter." Grinsha points his sword at Y/N. Y/N puts the driver on his waists and takes out his Pine lockseed.

Grinsha: "I'll be taking your life here and now." Grinsha runs at Y/N swinging his sword at him. Y/N dodges out of the way and pushes the button on the Pine lockseed.


A crack opens for a giant pineapple to float out of it. Y/N slots the lockseed in his driver and locks it.

Lock on!

Y/N grabs the small sword and pushes it down to cut the lockseed.

Soiya! Pine Arms! Funsai destroy!

Y/N stands up as the giant pineapple floats on his shoulders unfolding into his armor. Grinsha swings his sword at Y/N as the pineapple unfolds. Grinsha's sword hits Y/N before it come finish unfolding making him fall to the ground. Y/N rolls on the ground then gets on his knees. He summons the Pine Iron and throws it at Grinsha. Grinsha hits the Pine Iron away and runs at Y/N. Y/N stands up and pulls on the chain of the Pine Iron. The metal pineapple flies at Grinsha hitting him in the back. Grinsha stumbles forward for Y/N to slash Grinsha with his Musou Saber. Grinsha staggers back from Y/N's attack.

Grinsha: "Arh!" Y/N spins his Pine Iron ready to hit Grinsha. An angered Grinsha runs at Y/N shoulder tackling him and pushing him back. Then Grinsha hits Y/N with his sword. Grinsha continues his angry assault slashing at Y/N. With one final hit Y/N is sent towards to ground making him de-henshin. Grinsha kicks Y/N making him hit the wall of the dungeon. The Overlord walks up to Y/N.

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