Chapter 3

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The next morning I got up and made sure Andy was off and running to her aunt's. I even decided to make a nice breakfast for everyone. Homemade biscuit's and gravy. Nana looked at me like I was crazy and maybe I am who knows. Or it could be that I was walking around in my new boxer shorts and a t-shirt. 

"Are we still going for a run or are you going to go back to bed?" Ford asked me.

"Oh we are going for a run why would you think I was going back to bed?" I asked giving him a funny look.

"Um.. your walking around in your boxers." He said trying not to laugh but everyone else in the room was chuckling.

"Oh no see I don't wear anything to bed but someone left these on my bed last night and I assumed that I was supposed to wear them." I said as innocent as possible.

"I don't even want to know but please put on some running shorts because I don't want to see anything falling out." He said shaking his head.

"I planned on it. I mean I wouldn't want the clothes I am wearing for the day to get all sweaty and stinky." I said. I knew Devon could hear us and from the look on his face he was a little irritated. Awe poor baby.

"Whatever met you out front in ten." Ford said taking his plate to the kitchen.

"Nana how far is it from the house to the main road?" I asked.

"About a mile, I'd say." She said looking at me with amusement.

"Okay, thanks." I said taking my plate into the kitchen so I could go get ready for our run.

I changed into my running shorts and my favorite running shoes. After adding a little extra deodorant I headed out to met Ford.

"Okay you sexy thing. Nana said from here to the road is about a mile so that is five round trips. All rules apply. No tripping, no short cuts and winner gets a free dinner. The race begins on the final trip back and that means every man for himself." I said.

"Got it boss." Ford said laughing.

"Then let's do this" I yelled and we took off.

We started out in a comfortable slow and easy run. It was really nice and the driveway was a good place to run, not a lot of holes or big rocks but lots of nice dirt and small pebbles for traction. I noticed on our third trip back to the house that we had a small audience but didn't let it bother me. I ran track in high school so it wasn't something new for me. Once we hit the road on the fourth lap Ford and I kicked it up a little. I wouldn't go balls to the wall until halfway and neither would Ford. I let him tell me when he was ready to start the race and when he did I took off like there was fire licking at my heals. We were neck and neck all the way but I did pull out a head by one stride right before we crossed our invisible line.

"Booya baby, you owe me dinner." I said once I could actually talk and even when I did it was all broken up like Bo-oya-ba-by-yy-ou-ow-e-me-di-nn-er.  I really needed to start running again because I think I was out of practice.

"You name to date and time and I am there." Ford said after a few minutes.

"Friday before Andy comes back. Maybe we can find you a hot date for Saturday." I said wiggling my eyebrows.

"Or maybe we can find you a hot date." He said giving me a pointed look.

'Hell yeah." I yelled.

Once we had cooled down we headed in for a shower and to get dressed. Today we were going to have a look at the ranch. And yes I was wearing my boxers. But when I went to find them I couldn't they were nowhere to be found. Thanks a lot who give people something and then takes it back. GOVERNMENT GIVERS. Yes, I went there. They call it Indian giving but I guess we all know where name calling and bullying came from now don't we. The US Government has be giving and taking for hundreds of years and they are also bully's forcing people to do things pushing them into unfair laws or name calling is their favorite. Okay enough ranting. Nobody ever understands my rants anyways.

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