Daily Struggles

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A/N: Hello, everyone! Welcome to the sequel of Strength of the Princess. This story will contain HTTYD 2 and HTTYD: the Hidden World. However, both will have significant changes, especially the Hidden World. This is due to the need to create a coherent story that follows from my original story. Obviously, the two movies do not include characters like Dagur and Viggo (not to mention my own OCs), so adding them in adds more complexity.

Pacing is another issue. Both movies happen in the matter of a few days, which is very different from the few years that pass in Strength of the Princess. Events will still happen much more quickly, but I will slow everything down from the original movies significantly. I have altered the timeline anyway because the HTTYD franchise has continuity issues. It seems like HTTYD 2 is supposed to take place a year after Race to the Edge (and the Hidden World a year after that) but that means the events of Race to the Edge took place in a single year. The way I wrote Strength of a Princess, the events took three years (which is much more reasonable based on all that happens).

That being said, this story starts off nine months after Strength of the Princess, putting Hiccup and the others at 22 years of age (four years after Eira first arrives on Berk). In order to not have a huge time gap, the Hidden World will likely take place no more than six months after this, which is eight years after the original HTTYD movie. I hope this all makes sense. Let me know if you need any clarification.

As of now, I have only plotted out the events of HTTYD 2. I have read about the original intentions of the film, and I think, in terms of narrative, it would have worked out much better. Instead, major elements of the movie were changed halfway through, and I think the film suffered for it. So, this will be a combination of the original script (or what I have inferred from it) and the actual movie. Basically, the general outline of HTTYD 2 will be followed with a bunch of stuff added in.

I am still working on my version of the Hidden World. This one will require a major overhaul. I have a few ideas but nothing conclusive yet. It will likely be much more mature than the kid-friendly movie we received. I won't say what the ending will be, but if the ending of the Hidden World is to at least be a possibility, the stakes need to be drastically raised and the tone much heavier. After all, the question of 'can dragons and Vikings live in peace' needs to be answered, and that requires something epic. Stay tuned for that!


Chapter 1: Daily Struggles

"Haven't you tired of this?" the man said in a bored tone from the corner of his cell. "I'm not telling you anything."

Eira took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. Ten months had passed since the defeat of the dragon flyers, and at least once a week since then, she had come to Outcast Island and asked Alvin to allow her to speak to Krogan. And just like nearly every other visit, her former adversary refused to answer any of her questions. No matter what she did, she could hardly get a reaction out of him at all. He just sat as far away from her as possible, seeming to be in his own world.

But Eira would not give up. If Krogan wanted to be stubborn, she could be stubborn as well. She wrapped her hands around the bars and squinted to see into the dark cell. "I want to help you," she said, "but you have to give me something to work with." She could even work with anger or hatred, but despite her friends' suspicions (mainly Dagur's, who had once been in a similar situation), revenge seemed far from his mind.

"I don't want your help." He did not even look at her as he spoke but rested his head against one wall while he stared at another.

"You don't want to get out of here?"

Krogan closed his eyes. "Now you're getting it."

Eira frowned. She had already suspected as much, but she did not understand it. "Why not?"

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