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Chapter 35: Roadblocks

"Tomorrow we find a way off this island!" Snotlout declared.

"That's what you said about today," Ingrid said with a sigh. The two of them had retired to their hut as evening approached. She sat on her bed while he strutted before her, occasionally stopping and making declarations.

"But this time I mean it! I can't stare here any longer."

"Because sharing an island with me is so terrible?" Ingrid did not understand why he was in such a hurry. A few days ago, she was certain he was trying to propose to her, but now she wondered about his true motive. Not once had he initiated anything romantic while on the island.

Snotlout frowned. "We're not exactly alone, Ingrid."

"Then why not try to get rid of Drago?"

"Ha. Very funny."

"Or move to the other side of the forest. I'm sure there's plenty of room for all of us."

Snotlout crossed his arms and gave her a disapproving look. "Are you not concerned about our situation? Do you not want to get home?"

Ingrid shrugged. "Sure I do, but I don't understand the rush. We finally have the opportunity to spend ample time alone together, and all you're doing is complaining and scheming. Would it be the worst thing ever if we stayed here and... started our own village?" It was not a serious proposition, but she wanted to see his reaction.

Snotlout's face drained of color. "Wh-what? That's ridiculous!"

"Because you only want to be with me if you have someone to show off to?"

"Huh? Of course not!"

"Then what's wrong with enjoying time together while we're here?"

"Because I want to get off this stupid island! It has nothing to do with you!"

Ingrid stared at him for a long moment, not sure if she should believe him. She knew he was not always straightforward about his intentions. It looked like she would have to find them out some other way. "Fine, I'll help with that." She stood and started for the door.

"Where are you going?"

"To talk to Drago."

"That's not going to work!"

"It's not like any of your plans have worked out." Ingrid stepped outside and took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. Then she looked around, and her eyes landed on Drago standing outside his hut waiting for something - probably that female Night Fury. She put on her best smile and strode forward. "Hey, Drago."

"I'm not interested," Drago said flatly.

Ingrid's smile fell. "You don't even know what I want to say. I just want to talk."

"And I'm not interested."

Ingrid pushed back her annoyance. What was with the sudden cold shoulder? "I thought you missed being around other people."

"That doesn't mean I want to talk to them. And if you're talking to me instead of your boyfriend over there, that means you want something from me."

Ingrid held in a sigh. He wasn't entirely wrong, but she did not like his implication. "I do want something, but it's something that will also help you. Not everything is a zero sum game. I think our interactions should benefit us both."

Drago gave her a look. "You only care about getting off this island."

"That's not true! I'd be interested in talking to you no matter what the circumstances, like the first time we met... remember?"

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