Chapter 17

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{Liam's POV}

I turn to see what she is starting at and only see a girl at the counter with her back to us. April comes back to her senses and suddenly notices her food in front of her like she hadn't seen it before. She pushes her plate away from her shaking her head, indicating she wasn't hungry anymore.

"What is it?" I urge her gently. She glances at me and then looks away quickly, shaking her head shyly. I open my mouth to ask her again when she whispers,

"Can we go, please?"

I nod my head and stand up from the table, April copying my movements. Pushing in our chairs, we walk through the bookcases and the front section into the street.

The sky had changed to slightly cloudy and overcast, like it was going to snow sometime that day, or in the next 24 hours. We look at each other awkwardly and both blush.

On impulse, I smoothly take her hand in mine and my feet take me away from that spot, April trailing along. I slow down for her to catch up. We walk in silence, thinking of something to talk about, our hands unintentionally swinging a little between us.

"Who was she?" I ask, breaking the silence. After a moment of more silence she replies

"Several years ago, when I around sixteen and still lived with my family in America, I had a brother. He was 23 years old when..." She trailed off, to prepare herself to say something next.

"I'm sorry." I say without thinking. She looks at me confused.


"Oh, I just thought..." I trail off. "Never mind."

"So, my brother, John, was about 23 and had this girlfriend. They were together for about a year or so when he let slip to me that he planned to propose to her. I went over to their house the next day when John was at work..."


{April's POV}

The day was early and the sun was bright, creating a happy feeling. It was President's Day or something. My brother had told me that how he was going to propose to his girlfriend. She isn't my ideal person for my brother to marry, but I respect his decisions and choices, especially when it came to dating and romantic stuff. I'm just too awkward for it.

I get on my bike, cause I'm lazy enough to put off getting a license, and start pedaling towards John's house. I thought maybe if I spent more time with her, maybe I could start liking her more, or at least be able to tolerate her for more than ten minutes. I stop outside the house and use my foot to put the kickstand up and I roll my bike into the front lawn.

I walk the short the distance from my bike to the front steps and the door. I shove my key into the keyhole and turn it, hearing the click of the door unlocking. The door swings inward at my touch and I walk in, looking around at the semi-familiar living room. I stroll across the living room, weaving through the fancy furniture.

Nobody at school knows that my brother is technically "rich." I'm mainly embarrassed at how people would treat me if they knew. I've only ever told Lauren and Megan. I reach my destination, the kitchen, and frown, not finding who I was looking for.

I go up the stairs to look on the second floor, just now hearing movement in a room down the hall from the top staircase. I think it's their room. I quietly tiptoe to the door, aiming to scare her; the only person I can scare. As gently as I can, I push open the door, making no sound. I peer around the door and, -"AAAHHH!!!"- I scream.

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