Chapter Four

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He presses the end button on his phone. I can't believe she called me! He had been pacing the living room debating whether she liked him or not due to not calling yet. He was about to give up hope when his phone buzzed with the incoming call, startling him. He felt slightly nervous when he asked her on a date. When she did say yes, he felt immense relief.

"Hey, who was that?" His flat mate questions, startling him. He had snuck up behind him silently.

"Oh, that? That was no one."

His friend raises his eyebrows at him.

"Really. I'm going to my room." He walks past him and across their giant flat to his room and puts a Do Not Disturb sign on his door handle. He walks over to his bed and flings himself on it, laying on his back so he could stare at the ceiling.

So, what am I going to do on that date? It's winter so that rules out a lot of stuff to do. He ponders it for a while, trying to plan out the perfect date. He walks over to his desk and gets out a pen and paper. After tons of thinking, writing, and coffee he thinks he has planned the perfect romantic date. He wrote it all out on a piece of paper he found laying useless on his desk, which he didn't use much prior to that night.

The Date Plan

1. Before I leave I will give Louis a credit card and send him to the mall.

2. I go to Starbucks at 6:45, so I'd be there 15 minutes early.

3. While I wait I buy us each a hot chocolate.

4. When she arrives, we walk to Broadgate Ice where I have booked the arena just for us.

5. After we ice skate, we will take a ride in a lighted horse drawn carriage to my flat.

6. Then wing it from there.

He reads it several times and makes some editing on spelling to make sure it is flawless. He carefully folds the paper and puts it on his dresser so he would remember to put it in his pocket. He suddenly notices how tired he feels and without changing, he gets in his bed. His eyes begin to droop and soon he is sleeping soundly.

Harry wakes up to the sound of Niall playing his guitar and he, Liam, and Louis singing a song to try to wake him up, making it up as they went. He pretends he is still sleeping through the entire song, even when Liam was jumping on him. At the end of the song he finally shows that he was awake. Who wouldn't after that? (A/N Sorry, I wrote this part during my carrot phase.)

"Hey, what's this?" Louis says as he held up his plan for the date. Harry shoves the covers off him and then tackles him to the ground. Niall goes over and picks up the paper as they struggle to stand. He hands it Liam to read since he can't very well.

"What's The Date Plan?" Liam asks, as he looks it over. Harry tries snatching it out of his grip, but Liam holds it up higher so he can't reach it. His idea fails as he forgets that Harry was taller than him, so Harry was still able to grab it easily.

"Harry, are you going on a date? With a girl?" Everyone turns to look at Louis.

"No, I'm gay" Harry says with lots of sarcasm. They all turned to stare at Harry, waiting for an explanation of the paper. "Okay, since I know you won't leave me alone till I tell you, and I don't want suffer, so here goes." He thinks for a moment how he is going to start.

"Well, um, you know how I came home yesterday and had coffee spilled all over me. Well, it wasn't a careless policeman who burnt his tongue. It was a girl. She was so pretty, and I think she didn't recognize me, so I offered her my coffee and with some reluctance she took it. Then I noticed that she had an American accent, and so I took her on a walk around London so she would know her way around better. An-"

Niall holds up his finger indicating to pause the narration and he runs out of the room. He returns a couple minutes later with the biggest bowl they have filled with cereal.

"And, um, okay, during that walk I felt as though we had connected, you know? So when we got back I gave her my number. Later that night she called me, I was about to ask her on a date when I heard giggling in the background and realized that her friend, Megan, must be there hearing all this so I asked her if she would leave, politely though. I asked her if she would go on a date with me. She said yes and that was it."

The other boys were staring dumbstruck at Harry's story. They just couldn't believe he picked up a girl, especially if she didn't know who he really was. All of them stand there in silence for a while; the only noise to be heard was the furnace.

They hear crunching and all turn to Niall, who was noisily eating his Fruit Loops. He looks up and stops' chewing when he realizes everyone is staring at him. He walks out of the room to the kitchen to avoid the awkwardness. Liam follows him saying, "I'll go watch him, to make sure he doesn't hurt himself and that you still have food."

After he left Louis's phone starts vibrating. Hegives Harry a sympathetic glance and mouths Eleanorand leaves, leaving Harry in his room by himself. His nerves start up and he findshimself pacing the room, even though the date is hours away. He starts playingvideo games to distract himself.

A Dream Come Trueजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें