Chapter Eleven

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{Lauren's POV}

I wake up sore all over and so cold that my whole body was numb. I immediately realize I was lying on some couch that was outside. I sit up, my body protesting my every move. I look all around me and don't recognize anything. Then I remembered that I was with Harry. I look again, but didn't see him.

I manage to stand up and take a step forward. I continue walking, stumbling every few steps. I thought I was going to fall. Going very slowly I start walking to the nearest building. I knock on the door and a middle-aged woman opens it. She takes one look at me before hurrying me inside. She guides me over to a chair asking me if I was okay. I nod and she quickly brings me a blanket.

"Do you need to call someone? Should I call for an ambulance?" She inquires. I try answering, but my teeth were chattering too much for me to say much. She leaves and in a few minutes comes back with a bowl of hot soup. "Here this will warm you up." She sets the bowl down on a side table and then picks up the whole table and sets it back down in front of me. She rushes away and comes back with a spoon for me to eat the soup with.

She watches me carefully until I finish. She takes the bowl away and when she came back she had a phone in her hand. "Is there someone I could call?"

I nod, "My best friend." I gave her Megan's number. She dials it and gives the phone to me.

Megan picks up, "Hello?"

"Megan, this is Lauren."

"Oh." It's silent on the other end for a moment before, "WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!?" Lauren pulls the phone away from her ear she yelled so loud.

"I'm fine, thanks for asking. I don't know exactly where I am." She presses the phone against her chest and turns to the lady, "Where am I?"

"You're in the far east part of London, dear." I put the phone back to my ear but quickly pull it away as I start coughing heavily, and won't stop.

"Lauren!? Are you okay!?" Megan screams through the phone. The lady grabs the phone from my hand and talking into says,

"I'm going to hang up so I can call an ambulance. I have your number and will call you as soon as I know which hospital she's going to. Bye." She hangs up and then calls for an ambulance.

{Third Person}

While she was talking to the operator, Lauren slumps forward, unconscious. The woman keeps the operator up to date with what's happening. The lady frantically waits several minutes till she hears the sirens. She steps out of her house to signal where they need to go.

A few cop cars and an ambulance pull up outside. People went into the house while others set up a stretcher and moved it right next to the door. A guy walks through the door carrying Lauren then gently places her on the stretcher. "Are you going to ride in the ambulance to the hospital, or will you prefer to ride with an officer?" A policeman asks her.

"Actually, I'm going to stay," she answers. Then she remembers Lauren's friend. "What hospital is she being taken to?"

"We're taking her to Charing Cross." She re-dials Megan's number.

She picks up on the first ring. "Hello?"

"She's being taken to Charing Cross."

"Okay, thank you."

"Yeah, I hope she gets better soon, bye."

{Harry's POV}

I open my eyes and the first thing I notice was the sickening pain in my head. I sit up and take in my surroundings. I don't remember much. Only that Lauren and I were lost and then attacked by fans. Wait, where's Lauren? Is she okay? Did someone find her? I glance at the clock and notice how late it is. I thought about calling for someone to ask them to check for Lauren, but I don't want to bother anyone at this time.

I swing my legs over the side of the bed and stand up. I tiptoe to the door and peer through the window. I don't see anyone so I quietly open my door and step out. I don't know which way to go, but my guess is to go the way that the door numbers decrease. I reach the end of the hallway and peek around the corner and still don't see anybody. I walk along that hallway until I reach the elevator at the end. I press the button to summon one. An elevator opens for me in seconds. I walk inside and push the button to take me down to the lobby.

I hear a ding signaling that I have reached the lobby and the doors open. I walk through and see that I was in an elevator hallway. I see a main hallway to my right. I take two steps that way when I hear a lot of movement going on down the hall. I walk quicker to the end and peek my head around the corner. I see an ambulance parked outside through the large glass windows and door. I wonder what happened to them? I take silent careful steps around the corner so the people in the lobby wouldn't see me.

Running, people wheel a gurney into the hospital and head towards the hallway I was in. I run across into a hallway opposite of it. The gurney rushes into the hallway and immediately get into an elevator and disappear from sight. But not before I saw who is on the gurney. Oh no, not Lauren.

"Hey! What are you doing out of your room!?" I turn around to find a nurse at the other end of the hall, rushing at me. Instead of running away, I walk up to her.

I fire questions at her. "Where is she going? Is she okay? When can I see her?" Then to myself I add, "Oh my god, what the hell happened?" My hands fly up to run through my hair in exasperation.

The nurse smiles but I immediately knew it's an act. "Sir, you need to go back to your room. I'll take you. What room are you in?" Sighing in defeat I tell her and she escorts me back.

She leaves me alone after making sure that I was in my bed and I've promised I won't leave again. I crawl under the covers and lay there in the darkness staring up at the ceiling, processing all the events that happened in the past twelve hours. Eventually, exhaustion takes over and I close my eyes, falling asleep instantly.

A Dream Come Trueحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن