Chapter Three

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The sky outside had turned from blue to a rich purple and the wind had become even colder. Thin wisps of clouds barely cover the sun as it set in the west. Lauren is at the old stove cooking up some hamburgers while Megan is in the living room reading The Prisoner of Azkaban (3). "Lauren! When are we gonna eat?" Megan whines.

"When you stop complaining," she ripostes. Megan sticks her tongue out at her when she turns around. "Supper's ready!" Lauren announces a little later.

At this Megan quickly leaps into action, setting the table with plates, napkins, and cups. Lauren brings the pan of freshly cooked hamburgers over to the square table and gets buns and toppings.

The smell of the cooking fills the small area with its pleasing aroma. Megan looks eagerly at the plates of food. They sit down in seats facing each other. Holding hands over the viand and say grace. As soon as they lower their hands, Megan simply attacks the food.

She seizes two buns and puts a hamburger on each of them. She adds her toppings and takes a giant bite out of one of them and chews it slowly. Lauren had, however, taken her napkin and placed it gently on her lap. Then she took a bun and carefully selected her piece of meat. "Mmmm. This is so good." Megan complements.

"That why I cooked it. If you did, we would be eating hard chunks of charcoal."

"You're right." Megan concurred raising her glass of milk, her favorite beverage. After dessert (chocolate cake) they start a game of truth or dare. It is Megan's turn to ask Lauren. "Truth...or dare," she says dramatically.



"Fine, dare," she reluctantly agrees.

"I dare you to call the boy you met earlier," Megan challenges. She sees fear flash in her eyes.

"Well, I don't want to disappoint the gentleman," The reply came, in an alluring tone. She saunters over to the counter where her phone lay, picking it up and typing in his number. She pauses a moment before gently pressing the tip of her finger to the call button.

The phone begins ringing. And ringing. Don't pick up. "Hello?" a manly voice says from the phone. Lauren's face falls in disappointment and fright.

"Is this Hadden?" It is quiet for a moment and then he responds,


"This is Lauren, the girl that spilled coffee all over you this morning. Sorry again for running into you."

"Ya, I remember you," He says with a sudden cheerfulness. "Did you miss me, babe?" Megan almost burst out laughing but covers her mouth with her hands at the last second to stifle the noise. Lauren's cheeks grow noticeably red.

She tries to start a conversation, "Did you get the stain out?"

"Ya, I did, but it was stubborn. Hey, Lauren?" His next question catches the girls by surprise. "Why won't you let Megan talk? I know she's there." They stare at the phone with amazement and shock. Megan's hand drops along with her mouth.

Megan shakes off the strange feeling. Her eyebrows furrow to together when she asks, "How did you know I was here?"

"That's something for me to know and you to find out." He replies cheekily. On the other end, the boy was smirking. Lauren catches herself wishing he would say something else, just so she can hear more of that husky voice.

Megan sticks her tongue out at the phone. "Really Megan, you still do that?" she complains quite loudly.

"Yes, I know I'm that immature and I'm proud of it!" She answers cheekily, just as loud, a smile playing on her lips.

"Megan, can I talk to Lauren alone for a minute?" Came the voice from the phone. Megan's smile grows and she forms a heart with her hands as she walks backward out of the room. Once she had her back turned, Lauren responds with her middle finger at the fleeting figure, hoping she didn't see it.

"Okay, she's gone." I inform him.

"Well I was wondering..." he says slowly, "If you would go on a date with me?"

She gasps short and loud, her eyes yet again becoming big that night. She remembers reading an article in a magazine about this thing. She counts to three in her head before responding, like the magazine told her, so she won't sound too desperate. "Sure, I'd love to." The words came out of her mouth as a grin forms. She cannot believe this was actually happening.

I'm going on a date. I'm going on a date! I haven't been on a date in years. "What time should I pick you up tomorrow?" The phone interrupts her thoughts. Her mind goes blank from over excitement and shock.

"How 'bout 7?" She offers. Right then you could hear the faint sound of voices behind Hadden's.

"Perfect. I'll pick you up at the Starbuck's where we first met. Bye." He suspiciously hangs up before she could say anything back. Normally she would be concerned and immediately call him back, but the future date ahead has put her in a dream-like daze. She looks at the clock and honestly thought time could not go fast enough.

She calls to Megan telling her that she can come back in. The door quickly opens, all Lauren sees is a blur of colors as she runs past her and jumps, cannonballing onto the soft couch. "I know. I was listening through the door. Oh, and I like your response when I was walking out. It was very... immature of you."

Lauren gapes at her. She has no clue how Megan could possibly know that, wait, did she hear Hadden asking me out on a date? "What exactly did you hear?"

"Not much, I couldn't hear what you were saying very well. All I could clearly pick out was 'Sure', 'time', '7', and 'Starbucks'." Lauren breathes out a sigh of relief. "Why do you ask?" She asks smirking. And just like that doubt starts to swirl across her mind.

"Nothing. No reason." She says, maybe a little to quickly. Megan tilts her head to the side as if she was thinking.

"Ya know, I think I did hear something else." Lauren gulps audibly.

"What?" She watches her nervously.

"Just that you were going on a date with him, but I probably heard you incorrectly." Lauren nods her head quickly. Megan winks at her and that's when she knew for certain that Megan knows.

They both stifle a growing urge to yawn and look out the window into the pitch-blackness that came at midnight. Lauren slowly starts shuffling towards her door. "I'm going to bed." She mumbles.

"I second that."

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