Chapter 14

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{Lauren's POV}

I close the door to my apartment and lean against it, sighing. I wait a moment, to think and to clear my mind before moving slightly away from the door to take my coat off. I change into my pajamas planning on going to bed sometime soon so I can get up in the morning. I don't feel tired yet so I play music on shuffle and sing loudly to it. A song from Phantom of the Opera comes on. About halfway through it I stop singing, remembering something.

At that moment the door to the apartment opens and Megan walks in. I stare at her wide-eyed, causing her to be concerned. She rushes over to me and demands to tell her what's wrong.

"The auditions..." I mumble before I start freaking out. "Megan the auditions are, like, eleven days away! We need to start our performances, audition.... things!" I flail my arms around as I spoke.

Megan gasps and her eyes grew to match mine in size. "Oh shit." We both run about getting ready to start practicing. She went to her room to change while I ran to the kitchen to grab a large bottle of water for each of us.

Once ready and calmed down, we listened to the soundtrack of the opera to decide which song to audition to. After careful planning, I chose the song Chi Vuol Comprare la Bella Calandrina (Who Will Buy the Beautiful Canary) while Megan will be dancing to I See Fire.

Megan and I moved the furniture back to give her more room to create a dance, while I thought my room would be a quieter place to sing. I place my iPod in the speaker and find the song I chose. A moment before hitting play, Megan's song could be heard, strange and disoriented coming through the walls.

A couple of hours pass before I take a break from my vocal projection. I walk into the living room to find Megan with her leg hoisted in the air next to her at a bizarre angle that looks painful, but yet strangely beautiful. Her leg changed positions to be in front of her a moment before landing soundlessly on the floor.

I watch on the side until the song finishes and Megan stops dancing. I clap without interest for her a few times. That's when she notices me, and smiles. "Thank you, thank you," she says to an imaginary crowd and dramatically bows to them and blows them a few kisses.

I giggle at her and go past to the kitchen. I start dinner while Megan is in her room putting on her cover-up and sweatpants. My phone (Harry insisted in getting me a new one) buzzes signaling an incoming call.

"Hey," Harry says once I pick up.

"Hi, what's up?" I ask.

"I'm bored. You?"

"Making mac and cheese."

He groans. "That sounds so good right now. Hospital food really does taste awful."

"Aw. I'll bring you some if you want."

"Yes, please. Why don't you bring dinner for two?"

I smile at his cheekiness. "Sure, it'll be about hour. I just started and then I have to get it to you."

"That's alright. It'll be worth it when I see you and that real food." I snicker a little at his comment.

"Okay. See ya soon. Bye." Harry says bye back and we hang up. I continue to stir the pasta, tasting a noodle every few minutes, while thinking back on the conversation I just had.

Megan enters the room and immediately notices my blank expression. "Whatcha thinkin' about?" She asks.

"Harry just called me on my new phone. Is it alright if he has your bit of the mac and cheese?" I have already guessed the answer but it doesn't hurt to try. She gives me an are-you-serious look and blinks in disbelief, while I stand there waiting for her to say it.

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