Chapter 4: Answer

Start from the beginning

Hanabi proceeded to inform Naruto about everything her father told her. Naruto was beyond shocked, he hadn't even remembered what happened and yet now, he had to marry Hanabi, or else she would be disowned by the Hyuuga (I changed it, you can check the previous chapter, those have been edited.). It also didn't make any sense, how could they force something like that on her. 

"I'm sorry." Naruto said.

"Huh? Why are you apologizing?"

"Because you're being forced into marriage, with me no less. I'm sure you have someone you like." 

"It's not your fault, both of us had a part in this. As for having someone I like, I did, but he doesn't feel the same way." Ah, rejection, that's something Naruto knew all too well.

"Well, I can talk to your father for you if you want." 

"That won't do anything, people who aren't in the clan can't change rules enforced in them."

Naruto ran his hand through his short, sun-kissed hair. Would he really have to marry Hanabi? There wasn't anything wrong with her, she was pretty cute, and was a decent shinobi. But he'd rather not marry someone over such a stupid reason. He definitely wouldn't let her be disowned, being without a family was horrible, even if they were mean and stern at times.  

So that meant he had to find a way to get them out of this predicament, or they'd have to be married.

"Alright." He answered.

"Alright, what?" 

"I'll go see if there is anything I can do, If not then, I'll m-marry you."

Hanabi was shocked, he was really going to do it. He didn't have a single reason to marry her, and the thought itself was shocking. She was beyond grateful. If there were any rules he wanted to enforce or anything he wanted out of this 'marriage', she'd oblige. It was the least she could do.

"Thank you, Naruto." She bowed, tears starting to well up in her eyes. "You don't know how grateful I am. If there is anything you need me to do, I'll gladly help." 

"You're welcome Hanabi, I won't let you be disowned. Again though, I'm sorry."

"What do you keep apologizing for?!" Hanabi said.

"Hanabi, I don't think you get what this means. If we get married, you'll never be able to get a boyfriend, you'll probably be the only married person of your age group." 

This was true, Hanabi was only 16 years old, and there was definitely no one in her class or anyone her age who was married. Heck, there wasn't even anyone in Naruto's age group that were married. Finally, Hanabi fully realized what kind of a situation she was in.

She might be married soon. Married! Meaning, that she would be stuck with Naruto as her Husband for the rest of her life, who knew how long that would be. She could never say that she fell in love with someone, then they dated, and finally, he proposed. Instead, she would say that they got married instantly, which was pretty weird in the world of shinobi. 

"But, Naruto-kun, the same goes for you, you won't ever be able to get a girlfriend." Hanabi stated.

"That's fine, Hanabi. It's not like I have any feelings for anyone, not anymore." So, he too had someone he liked, interesting.

"Plus, I doubt anyone has feelings for me." Hanabi knew that wasn't true, her older sister had been harboring feelings for him for years.

In a way, she understood him. What he said had at least indicated that he'd had feelings for someone and it didn't work out, much like her. Konohamaru hadn't even had a clue about Hanabi's feelings for him. She wouldn't have a chance to pursue him anymore anyway. Her thoughts were interrupted by Naruto standing up.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"I'm going to the Hyuuga compound to see if there is anything I can do. You stay here, I won't take that long."

"I can't just stay here."

"Who's stopping you. Plus, you might have to get used to staying here anyway." Naruto got up and walked toward the front door. Hanabi blushed,

"There is no way I'll let you be disowned, dattebayo!" Naruto smiled, before going out the front door.

Upon leaving the apartment, Naruto made his way to the Hyuuga compound, which was all the way on the other side of Konoha. Times like this made Naruto regret buying a huge house. Oh well, he wasn't a distinguished shinobi for nothing. 

It barely took him 15 minutes to cross Konoha, using the rooftops to quickly reach the Hyuuga estate. The gatekeeper walked up to him and addressed him.

"Hello, Naruto-sama, what is your reason for being here?" 

"I need to speak to Hisashi Hyuuga." Naruto said.

"That is fine, but to enter the Hyuuga compound, you'll need an escort, I shall go find an escort for you." He said before walking away. Hinata ended up being his escort. Naruto didn't mind it at all though. 

"Hey, Hinata!" He greeted her as she came to escort him.

"H-Hi Naruto-kun. So, what business do you have with my father?" She asked.

"Oh well, I got in a bit of a sticky situation, and I came to see if your father could help me." Hanabi had told him not to mention her if that topic came up with Hinata. Hinata just looked confused, but she just brushed it off, thinking it was his business.

Hinata led Naruto to her father's clan room and went about her day. When Hisashi turned to see who his guest was. He did not expect it to be Naruto Uzumaki. What would he possibly want with him?

"I'm surprised to see you here, Naruto Uzumaki. What do you need?" Hisashi asked, about to drink some tea.

"I'm here to talk about why I have to marry Hanabi." And just like that, the tea that Hisashi had just drunk, had been spit out by him, too surprised to worry about it.

A Mistake Not Meant to Bear Fruit [Naruto x Hanabi]Where stories live. Discover now