forty three.

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* idk how visiting people in prison works, so pls bear with me if it isn't realistic

A metallic smell flooded into Taehyung's nose as soon as he walked into the room. He swayed on his crutches, the smell stabbing at his head. He felt a warm hand on his back, steadying him. Suddenly he felt comforted and warm, looking back at his lover with a grateful smile. Jeongguk returned it and they both stepped over the threshold together. 

A man in a cuffed, dark blue uniform stood in front of them. His name tag was seated on the left side of the front of his shirt, with a shiny Taeggeuk gleaming across from it. An ironed tie sat perfectly in the middle of his chest, a black peaked cap nestled on his slicked-back hair.

"Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jeongguk?" The police officer's voice was puissant and formidable, making Taehyung lose his voice for a moment. 

Before he could push out a small stuttering "yes", Jeongguk beat him to it, responding in the same authoritative voice. 

"That's right, officer." 

Taehyung looked up at the latter, once again thankful for him by his side. For being strong when he was weak. 

Snapping out of his thoughts, he realized both of them were already a few paces ahead. He swung on his crutches to catch up. 

Jeongguk took off his coat, setting his keys, phone, and shoes into individual bins, helping Taehyung do the same. Through the whole process, two officers were watching them, waiting by the doors. 

This much surveillance made Taehyung feel uneasy, and he hung onto Jeongguk tighter as he delicately limped towards a chair. 

After seating Taehyung and smiling softly at his reluctance to let go, Jeongguk made his way towards the middle of the wide, tile-covered room, stopping directly in front of a man with a  metal detector clutched in his gloved hands. 

Taehyung watched as the officer ran the rectangular object along Jeongguk's lean body, tracing the contours of his limbs and chest. Jeongguk stayed in the same starfish position as he was patted down, finally given the OK to wear his coat and retrieve his car keys and phone. 

Two officers made their way to Taehyung slowly and he felt a torrent of panic flood his body. He looked around for Jeongguk, who was standing with his back turned to him, focusing on fastening his watch onto his wrist. 

Taehyung gulped and stared at the two approaching officers with terror. One of them must have seen the fear in his eyes, and he spoke lowly. 

"It's alright, we're just going to check for anything you might have with you. It's just a security measure..."

At the officer's voice, Jeongguk turned around and moved towards him, face donned with the same reassuring smile he had since the first step into the prison. Taehyung blinked at him, slowly relaxing and letting one of the men help him up with a gloved hand on his arm. 

He slowly made his way to the same spot in the room Jeongguk was, staying as still as he could while the device trailed his body. Jeongguk stood behind the officer, silently praising Taehyung with his wide eyes. 

𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐊𝐒 ━━ taekookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora