twenty six.

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Taehyung woke to a soft haze on his face, warming his cheeks. The morning sun filtered in through the blinds of the window and the room smelled like rosemary. Slow puffs of air landed on his nape, and his back was against the hard contours of a built chest. Strong arms were laced around his bare waist, feeling warm against his skin. A euphoric mist fogged his mind, making him see a silver lining to everything. A smile teased at his lips when he heard a soft groan behind him, and the arms pulled him closer. 

Taehyung turned as gently as he could so as to not wake the sleeping prince behind him. Taehyung glided his fingers along the curve of Jeongguk's cheek, cooing at his bunny. His soft raven locks fell against the pillow and exposed his forehead. His eyes were pressed shut and his long lashes kissed his cheekbones. His mouth was parted and his teeth gleamed past his pretty lips. 

Taehyung smiled and pressed his lips to the other's tenderly, feeling the familiar euphoria rush through him, as it did last night. He pulled back, touching his bruised lips with a smile. Jeongguk's eyes fluttered open, the auburn orbs crashing with Taehyung's loving gaze. They let their eyes speak multitudes as Jeongguk pulled Taehyung ever closer, caressing his soft skin. Their lips met again in a passionate kiss. As they pulled back, Taehyung looked down and spoke softly.

"Jeongguk-ah..." He traced circles on Jeongguk's abs, carefully avoiding the latter's gaze, feeling the slightest bit awkward.

Jeongguk chuckled and Taehyung stiffened at how deep his voice sounded. A soft pink hue crept onto his face. 

"Why don't you freshen up, darling? I'll be downstairs,"

Taehyung smiled and nodded, holding the bed cover up to his chest as he sat up. He wasn't quite ready to be naked in front of Jeongguk just yet, even after last night. Jeongguk didn't have a problem though; getting up and crossing the room leisurely, slipping on a robe from the bathroom. Taehyung tracked his fluid movements through their space and scrunched his nose. He swung his legs around to the edge of the bed, letting his toes touch the cold hardwood floor. 

He stood and let out a gasp as he fell to his knees. A steady soreness pulsed in his thighs and ass, making it painful to walk. Warm arms scooped Taehyung up off the floor. 

"Did I go too hard last night, darling?"

Jeongguk smirked as his lover covered his face in embarrassment as he carried him bridal-style. He set him down on the ledge of the bathtub and pecked his lips. 

"Don't be long..." Jeongguk tossed over his shoulder as he left the bathroom. Taehyung blushed again and turned on the water.


A rich smell wafted in through the living room as Taehyung slowly walked down the stairs. The pain in his legs had dulled to a slight throbbing and he felt hunger growl in his stomach. Jeongguk's scent swirled around him, coming off of the large shirt and shorts he had borrowed from his closet. He looked across the room to see a familiar shape in the kitchen.

Jeongguk had his head bent over the counter, reaching up to get something from the cabinet. The counter was in organized chaos, the egg carton and milk and flour strewed across the smooth marble. Taehyung softly chuckled and back-hugged his boyfriend, letting out a sigh at the scent of pancakes.

"I didn't know you could cook."

"I taught myself whenever I was alone." Taehyung smiled at the flour-covered counters and shook his head.

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