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"So tell me again how you managed to memorize a whole ass presentation in half an hour?"

"Twenty minutes, hyung."

"Oh my God, I can't."

Taehyung chuckled at his hyung while he stuffs his face with barbecue chips.

"You are a damn genius, Kim Taehyung."

"I'm not. I just have a good memory."

Hoseok huffed and laid back on the sofa. Taehyung giggled and threw his chips and the two ice-cream wrappers away. He saw the bowl of popcorn ready in the microwave and brought it to the living room.

"Are Jimin and Jin hyung coming?"

"Yeah, they'll be here any minu—"

Dingg dongg!

Taehyung went to answer the door and he felt arms around him immediately.

Introducing Park Jimin aka his soulmate, best friend, and partner in crime.



"You're here! Finally. And Jinnie—?"

"The fun has arrived!!!"

Taehyung pulled back from their embrace to see his Jin hyung behind Jimin, arms full with countless snacks. Their eyes widened as he made his way into the house and dumped all of the packets on the living room table.

Hoseok, Jimin, Jin, and Taehyung were the inseparable group, together all through high school until Taehyung left for France after he graduated. And now since he's back in Korea, the four friends are living it up, making up for the lost time.

And right now they were having nice Wednesday night in, to celebrate Taehyung's new job.

"Now, let's get this movie night started!!"

- - -

Three movies later, Jimin was asleep on Taehyung's shoulder, Taehyung on Hoseok's and Hoseok on Jin's. 

Jin chuckled at his dongsaengs and slowly woke up Hoseok. Soon, after lots of dragging off the couch and cleaning up, Taehyung was in his bed, texting Jimin, after they went home to their respective houses.

Mochi 💛: "I can't believe u don't like him! It's Jeon Jeongguk ffs!"

                                                                                                                                 Taehyungie💜: "Idc he's a bitch"

Mochi💛: "*sigh.... but a hot bitch tho"

                                             Taehyungie💜: "Istg jimin. Can't u look at a guy w/o thirsting over them?!"

Mochi💛: "Hoe stop pretending. We both know ur gay ass would jump at a guy like him"

                                                                                                                                                            Taehyungie💜: "..."

Mochi💛: "I rest my fucking case"

                                                    Taehyungie💜: "That doesn't make u right tho. I want the job that's it"

Mochi💛: "...........and his cock"

                                                                                     Taehyungie💜: "JIMIN U BETTER SHUT THE FUCK UP"

Taehyung groaned and tossed his phone onto his nightstand. His thoughts wandered to the young man he would work under starting tomorrow.

Jeon Jeongguk was indeed very attractive. Very, very attractive. And the thought of his cock pounding into him while he screamed his name—

Taehyung's eyes widened at his dirty mind and shook his head. Jeongguk is his boss and that's all he is. All he will be.

But he would never fall for someone like me...

Hell, he might not even be single!

Taehyung sighed.

I'm wasting my time...

- - - - - - 

god i hate summer work so much but I have to do it for this dumb class bleh

but i'll keep updating this book for u all 

lots of love stay safe and happy

wow i sound like a mom

anywho i'll see u guys next time


- cks

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