"Promise me that it's going to be hilarious." I said, talking about his plot on the pair of mates.

He gave me an evil smirk. "Oh, you will not be disappointed."

Rose/Maddison's POV

The three of us had a great time just talking with each other. It was truly nice spending time with Louren again but it was also nice getting to know Cindy even more.

"So, how did you and Raph meet??" I asked Louren. I already knew how but I had to make an impression that I didn't.

"Oh uh.. It's hard to explain but to put it short, Mason and Jayden was tasked to capture a vampire to get some information about the attack on the human cities. It was pure luck that they found Raph. And in the end, the three of them helped stop an attack that was about to happen on another city." She explained. "And when they came back, I just knew that he was my mate the moment I caught his scent." She smiled.

"How about you Cindy?? Anyone in mind??" She asked as she looked at the werecat. "Other than Jayden of course."

"Me?? Hmm..." She then thought for a moment. "Nobody, actually. I'll just wait for my mate from now on." She said.

"But there is someone that I would LOVE to choke the life out of." She added as her face morphed into that of annoyance.

"And that is??" I asked.

"That twerp Mikey. Can you believe that he called me flat chested?! Ugh, he's such a pain." Louren and I chuckled at her annoyance.

"I'm sure that he means it no harm Cindy." Louren reason.

"Ugh whatever. Whenever I see him I just want to.."

"Eyo!! We have arrived!!" Some burst through the door.

"Mikey!!" I hear Jayden scold.

"Speak of the devil and he shall come." Cindy mumbled.

"Hey, Rose. How're you feeling?? Nice to see you too Loury. And.." he stopped when he saw Cindy who was looking at him, annoyed.

"Hey Flats. I Didn't know you were here. I guess it's nice to see you too." He said.

"The feeling's not mutual you twerp. What are you even doing here??" Mikey looked at him confusedly as he and Jayden walked in.

"Uhh visiitng a friend. Bout you?? Got lost on your way back to China??"

"What are you talking about you dickwad??" We all just watch at the scene as it unfolded.

"Well, I'm just a bit concerned that the chinese would want their Great Wall back."

"That's it!!" Cindy yelled as she got up from her seat and was about to head towards the young wolf.

"Eeeek!! Jay, help she's gonna crush me with her flat self." Loury was covering her mouth as she tried to keep herself from laughing.

I myself was failing to keep my laughter from escaping as I watched Mikey hiding behind my mate while Cindy tried to get him.

"Alright alright I'm sorry!!" Mikey yelled and with that Cindy stoppes trying to get to him. "But can I ask you something??"

"What??" She said in annoyance.

"Would you wear socks if you had no feet??" The young wolf asked her and she looked confused as hell.

"Huh?? No. Of course not." She answered.

"Oh, okay. Then why are you wearing a bra??" At that, Louren lost it and laughed out.

It took a sec for her to get what he meant but when she did, her face reddened. "I'm going to kill you."

"Well that's my cue to go. Be back in a bit." I hear Mikey said before running out of the room with Cindy hot on his heels. "Get back here you damn hobbit!!"

"Catch me if you can Flatzilla!!" I hear Mikey shout from outside.

"I guess I better go and make sure she doesn't kill him." Louren said as she calm down from her laughing.

So now, it was just me and Jayden left in the room. It was quiet for a few minutes as we both didn't know what to say to each other.

But in the end, he was the one that broke the silence.

"You feeling better??"

"Much. You were the one that brought me here, so thanks." I smiled.

"I should have stopped it sooner. You wouldn't have gotten hurt." He said as he sat down by the bedside.

"Don't." I immediately said. "Don't say it like it's your fault. It's not."

With that, he sighed. "But so you know, it was the first time I saw Taylor being overwhelmed like that during a fight. She got lucky in the end though."

"That won't happen next time." He raised a brow.

"Next time??"

"Yeah. I'm not going to let her get away with this." I said crossing my arms.

He gave out a chuckle which in turn made a smile appear on my face.

"Well if that's the case, how about I teach you some more moves whenever we have time." He suggested.

"Sure, I'd really like that. And who knows, maybe I can beat you in he end." He laughed which sounded like music to my ears.

"We'll shall see, Rose." He said as he shook his head at me.

Fia and I felt contented at that moment. Just us and our mates spending time with each other.

And I know that he doesn't even know who I really am but for us, if we're not allowed to tell them who we really are then just spending some time with Jayden would be enough.

Even if in truth, it's not...

Short chap but... Yeah hahaha

I was thinking of some Mikey moments. Would you all like that??

See you next chap guys.. and please.


Realize : A Twist of Fate| Book 2Where stories live. Discover now