starting a new team

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Hey everyone, I'm back here with a new chapter. I'm sorry that I have uploaded many problems in my life that I don't like talking about, but i'm back now. Ps wear a mask when you go outside remember about the covid-19 virus. This is no joke. Wear a mask already 248K have died in the united states.

starting a new team.

It's been under a week since Naruto woke up in suna, things have been slowly getting better back in suna, the village was being repaired, naruto used his gold releases to summon a lot of gold rocks outside of the village, he used his shadow clone jutsu to help the village by rebuilding as some foxes came to help out.

Soon later around sundown, Fuu and naruto were all walking from a long day of working as they passed the orphaned along with fashion fox and feisty fox or their real name was Kimiko Kitsune and Ayaka Kitsune, who were both in human form, Kimiko had white hair and with purple highlights, silver eyes, white skin, she was wearing a white kimono that had purple flowers on it. Ayaka had red hair, pink eyes. She was wearing a red kimono that had pink flowers on it.

Kimiko and Ayaka were talking to two twin boys at the age of nine, named Koi and Kizuato. Koi had black hair that looked messed up, green eyes, pale skin, a black shirt, white shorts, and black boots. Kizuato had black hair short and brushed to the side, he had a dark tear, blue eyes, pale skin, but he had a scar on his left cheek from what a few nights ago, he was wearing a black shirt, white shorts, and black boots.

"You two boys are so adorable I could just eat you both up," Kimiko said, hugging them as Ayaka was trying to get them away.

"Kimiko give them some air women! They can't breathe," Ayaka said as Kimiko was still not letting go. Koi and Kizuato were happy being hugged by Kimiko and Ayaka, giving them attention. Naruto was looking at them with a smile on his face, seeing them all happy.

"Kitsunes are so kind to others." fuu said, looking at them then looking at naruto.

"Ture fuu, but some are just jerks," Naruto said, knowing he was talking about the one who kept slapping his face with his tail.

Naruto and Fuu meet Roshi at the park bench. "HEY! Roshi." fuu in a joyful voice as she always talks like that she said to dawn on the bench.

Naruto sat dawn with them having his arms crossed thinking.

Roshi was looking at naruto "naruto, are you fine?"

"Yes, it's just I've been thinking about what happened with Akatsuki being back." Naruto looked at dawn.

"Naruto, you already explained everything to us. You have nothing to worry about. We keep this to us," Roshi said.

"No, that's not what I'm worried about. I'm worried about the other jinchurikis that the other reanimated Akatsuki's members are going after. I feel like this is my fault." Naruto said as he looked sadly at roshi.

"Naruto, why would you think like this? You can't blame yourself for all this," Roshi said as Naruto still looked sad.

"no.. back to what happened three years ago, I made a deal with Kurama that he would give me the power to kill Akatsuki in exchange for his freedom and my own life. I feel like this is a punishment for my cheating death. I was willing to give up my own life to save the other jinchurikis, like you, fuu, Garra, and the others might get to live better lives than me back in the village." naruto explained to them.

"Naruto, what do you mean exactly?" fuu asks, looking worried for him.

"You both know what it's like to live as a jinchuuriki. All my life, I wanted to prove them wrong about me not being a demon, but nothing would ever change that, and then the Akatsuki came to take my life at a young age and then went after all of you guys to take yours. I was hoping at least you all get a life that is worth living for than the one I had and be happy." naruto explained to them.

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