the land of the sea journey part one

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Hello guys, I want to say I am terribly so sorry that I have not uploaded a new chapter in over a year. I have just been very busy with a lot of things, For starters I have went back to the previous chapters of this fanfiction Along with the help of my brother has actually helped me fix up a lot of the grammar mistakes.

I will explain more at the end at this chapter.

the land of the sea journey part one

Naruto and fuu were walking together in the village to look around and maybe to gather some information about the jinchurikis.

both soon saw a fisherman store where they saw the same woman selling fish to the owner.

Both got closer and started to hear what they were talking about.

"I told you I can't give you that much!" The owner said.

"But these fish are worth more than what you're paying me!" She said as the owner got mad.

"Take the money and get out you monster!" The owner said as he threw the money at her face.

She took the money and then left.

The owner was mumbling under his breath, "That disgusting freak, knows she doesn't belong here."

Naruto's face wasn't happy as he was pissed off, that poor woman covered in bandages was treated so badly It only reminded him of The times when he was hurt and people treated him horribly.

Naruto walked up to the shop and Notice the fish that the woman brought were definitely worth more than what she got.

Naruto Looked at the shop owner and asked, " Excuse me, but what is your problem with that girl?"

The shop owner had an eyebrow raised as He looked kind of ticked off by someone standing up for that woman But then he just rolled his eyes, "oh, you're not from here, are you?"

"I'm a traveler, of course. I'm not from here, That's not the point though, what is your problem? Treating someone like that so poorly? Calling her a monster and then Throwing money at her face!?" Naruto asked as it was obvious he was disgusted by this man.

"That woman is not who you may think she is, When she was a little girl, she went to that island over there as things have been known to happen on that island but anyone who goes there doesn't come back, She was the only one to come back. And when she did, she had those bandages on and that was years ago, Who knows what she's hiding under those bandages, It's clear to me though she's a monster," The shop owner explained as naruto was disgusted.

"So you're telling me just because she escaped from some island that was dangerous with no proof besides, she was covered in bandages you treat her like a monster?" Naruto asked And before the man could even answer naruto spit in his face.

Leaving the shop in disgust, knowing what he had learned from that owner.

Fuu looked at Naruto with worry, "naruto are you alright?"

naruto took a deep breath and then let it out, "yes fuu, I just didn't like that man who insulted that poor woman, he remind me of some of the shop owners back in konaha."

Naruto could just remember all the times when he went to other shops to get food. the owners would kick him out and insult him.

Flash back

Naruto covered in bruises from being beat up as he went to shop to shop, All the owners kicked him out and would not let him buy anything.

Naruto had his hands around his stomach as it was growling. He was starving with no food in his poor little belly.

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