Back with Ted~~~~~~


Ted: Eh, you didn't get hurt did you?

Caitlyn: Well, no. But-

Ted: Then it's all good.

Suba: There are a few more that need to be taken care of.

Ted: I'll let you fucks handle 'em, I'm beat.

Ted obviously lies, he could fire off 5 more big attacks like that before he got tired.

David: Eh, more for me

Suba: I'll stay back here and handle the long-range enemies.

Caitlyn: My hand to hand combat is getting rusty, might as well join you David.

As Caitlyn and David rushed to handle the Villains head-on, Ted stayed back and played with his flames.

Suba: Do you have enough energy to create a platform for me?

Ted snapped his fingers as a turret made of flames rose from beneath Suba.

Suba: Thanks.

Ted: No problem.

David and Caitlyn were taking out the thugs rather easily especially with Caitlyns Flamingos making sure they weren't overwhelmed, and Suba taking out the snipers with thin energy blasts.

And not too long after they started they finished.

David: We should head back to the plaza to regroup with the Pros.

Ted: It'll probably be faster if I or Caitlyn carried you.

Caitlyn: What about Suba?

Suba: I can fly if I don't get too distracted, but you should probably have one of you stay back with me just in case.

Ted: Katon: Hokage Bunshin no Jutsu

I guess that's supposed to mean fire shadow clone art or Fire Shadow Clone Jutsu, it's just a fancy way of sending out his clones. Why? Cuz I can.

Ted: I'll have this clone fly under you, if you fall he'll catch ya.

Suba: Thanks.

So the gang set off with David and Caitlyn on translucent flamingos and Ted and Suba both propelling themselves using some kind of energy.


Ted: GODDAMNIT! Why is this place so fucking big!

To give you an estimate it's like 10 football fields in a square, yes that square is filled with the football fields, the campus isn't that big it's only like a square kilometre. But then again, this is a fantasy world created by a fifteen-year-old who is just shooting out ideas like he's a fucking M16. Anything could happen.

Theo: Oi! No one cares about your problems.


Well anyway back to the story.

Suba then fell only to be caught by Ted's fire clone.

Ted: You okay back there!?

Ted shouts to Suba over the rushing air around them.

Suba: Yeah! Just got distracted by a bird!

Suba shouted back.

Ted: Can you fly on your own?! Or do you need my clone to carry you the rest of the way back!?

Suba: I'm running low on energy so It'd be nice if your clone carried me the rest of the way!

Ted: Okay!

A quiet buzzing sound could be heard in the background before, suddenly Ted's clone exploded and Suba started to fall.

Ted immediately took action in diving towards Suba while also propelling himself using fire.


He yelled as he fell into the trees, Ted following soon after.

David and Caitlyn were confused as to why Ted would just fly into the tree for no reason.

David: What's he doing?

Caitlyn: I don't know, I barely know him.

Suba who was on one of Caitlyn's flamingos decided to speak up.

Suba: There's a weird energy around his eyes, he's probably in an illusion.

Caitlyn: How do you know that, he could be trying out a new technique.

Suba: I know an illusion when I feel one.

Caitlyn: I'll take your word for it.

With Ted~~~~~~~

Ted: Where is he? I'm pretty sure I saw him land somewhere around here.

???: Oh what a catch, I got Her kid, I'm gonna have some fun before I give you to the boss lady.

Said a female voice, seemingly coming from every direction.

Ted: Show yourself, coward!

???: Big words coming from such a useless male.

Ted responds by releasing a large blast of fire from his body.

???: If you thought that would get me then your surely mistaken.

Ted/Theo: Face me head-on, coward!

???: No, I don't think I will.

Theo, now in control replies by shooting small blasts of fire from his fingers, in the direction the voice is actually coming from.

???: AAHHH!

The voice screams out in pain as several small but powerful blasts hit her.

Theo: Bullseye.

Ted who calmed down a bit takes control again.

Ted: Thanks, Ren.

Ren: No problem.

Theo: What am I? Chopped liver?

Ted: Thanks, I guess.

???: I'll kill you, you little shit!!

Ted: I'd appreciate it if you didn't.

??? rushed at Ted, not noticing the ball of flames spinning in all directions he's about to shove into her.

??? went for a drop-kick that was evaded by Ted who, once she landed, swept her legs then proceeded to shove the ball of fire into her abdomen effectively knocking her out.

Ted: Threat neutralized.

Theo: Okay, not gonna lie, that line was kinda badass.

With that done and out of the way. Ted opts to just run to the plaza.

At the edge of the forest near the plaza~

David, Caitlin, and Suba are arriving just in time to see Dry Ice get bodied by a large creature with flaming red skin.

Caitlyn put her hand on her mouth and gasped. Suba was too shocked to even react. David, well David was David and rushed the creature only to be swatted into the tree line.

Ted: Ha!

Ted laughed as he sprinted out of the tree line, having only seen David get swatted like a fly.

Ted: What's going on?

Suba: Look down there.

Suba whimpered as he pointed at the battered, and bloodied, but still alive, body of Ezra Bevriezen, also known as the Pro Hero: Dry Ice.

Tell me what you think ._.


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