Chapter 5: Young Love

Start from the beginning

-Listen, Taeyong and I; we'll be better, but right now, I don't want to talk to him. – I declared while looking at my friends.

-Tell us what happened; maybe we can help. – Jaehyun said while holding my shoulder.

-Taeyong-hyung is pressuring me to take decisions I don't want to make at the moment. It's about the comeback, and he stresses me out. – I lied, hoping to get away with another lie.

-Decision? – Doyoung said, confused.

-Yes. Uh, I don't know if I want to sing in the unit's song. So, Taeyong-hyung is making me decide quickly. – I spoke while caressing the back of my head.

-Well, think about it. We're going to talk with Taeyong, but try to calm down, hyung. – Doyoung said while smiling slightly.

I nodded as everybody got back to the house. As soon as I got inside, I noticed that everyone is in the backyard with Taeyong; they are talking between them, but I didn't want to go. So, I stood there as I watched Jaehyun walking out with Doyoung.

Suddenly, Mark pulled my sleeve. -Come, we can go upstairs if you want, hyung. – Mark suggested while looking at me.

I quickly glanced at the members before looking back at Mark. Then, I just nodded before Mark guided me upstairs while holding my hand. Both of us got to the rooms' hallway, and then we got inside Mark's shared bedroom. I sat down on the edge of Mark's bed while trying to calm myself from the argument I had with Taeyong.

I felt Mark sitting next to me, and when I looked up, I saw him with his guitar. He smiled before playing some chords for me.

-Here, listen. – Mark said before he began to play a song on his guitar.

I watched Mark while enjoying the melody; I put his hoodie on, making him chuckle slightly. After that, he began to sing softly. He motioned me with his eyes, wanting me to join his voice. I nodded and began to sing along with him. I chuckled between verses since it was calming to be with Mark this way; after all, I missed the times we shared just like this one.

As soon as the song ended, Mark stared at me while still playing some chords.

-Are you feeling better? – Mark asked.

-Yes. Thank you. – I smiled before Mark looked at his guitar, and then he placed it aside before paying attention to me.

-Why do you keep fighting with Taeyong-hyung? – Mark asked worriedly. -I know that you lied to Jaehyun-hyung back there. So, what's going on? – He questioned, wanting to hear an honest answer from me.

Do I have to tell him right now? Can't I think about it more?

I got lost inside my thoughts, making Mark impatient since he couldn't hear an answer from me. I heard him sigh, quite frustrated, but after that, I felt his touch on my cheek. I noticed Mark's eyes staring intensely into mine, which made me feel nervous in seconds. Without warning, Mark held the back of my neck and pulled me closer to him. I watched every move he made before I met with our lips crashing against each other. Mark began to move slowly, but I couldn't reply since I was still in shock. However, when he started to stroke the back of my head, I closed my eyes and followed his lead.

I got lost in the sweetness of his lips, the freshness of the new sensation, and the anticipated moment I wanted to share with my loved one. Mark wasn't stopping, but we gradually began to run out of breath, making us pull away with a track of small pecks on each other's lips.

-How? When? Why? – I asked while breathing heavily, feeling Mark's heart beating faster. -Mark, why—

He interrupted me with a soft kiss. -I know your feelings for me, hyung. I knew it after I heard you talking with Taeyong-hyung. That night, I was awake and listening to everything you said to him. The next day, I wanted you to tell me the truth, but when you hid it away, it made me feel sad because I thought you were about to confess to me. – Mark explained while breathing fast.

I looked at Mark, stunned. I couldn't phrase any words inside my head, and I felt like having a knot on my throat. So, I caressed Mark's head before pulling him closer to me. I held him tightly before kissing his head.

-I'm sorry; I couldn't hide it away. – I sighed while tightening my embrace on Mark.

-You shouldn't feel that way, Yuta. Not anymore. You won't destroy my dreams because you are one of them. – Mark smiled while getting away from me, but I pulled him closer again and snuggled against him. -I love you more. I honestly do. – Mark whispered while caressing my hair.

-Are you sure about this? – I asked, concerned.

Mark chuckled. -Yes. It's going to be hard when we go to TV shows, but I'm sure I'll do my best to make it seem like we are just very close friends. – He assured while staring at me.

-TV shows? But you never liked my closeness when we are on TV. – I said, looking at him, perplexed.

-I was anxious because I didn't know how to act, hyung! I tried to control myself. – Mark assured while chuckling slightly.

-That makes sense. – I grinned before placing my chin on his chest, and then I looked up to meet Mark's gaze.

-Now, can you do something for me? – Mark asked.

I nodded. -What is it?

-Talk with Taeyong-hyung; these arguments need to stop. – Mark demanded, upset.

-Alright, but can I do that later? – I asked.

-Why? – Mark looked at me, confused.

-I want to be with you. – I chuckled happily.

Mark caressed my hair before humming. -I guess you can. – He said before holding me tightly, surrounding my torso with his legs.

I chuckled while embracing Mark's body. I wanted to treasure this moment; after all, nothing will be the same after today.

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