The beauty in you

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I watched the ceiling as the clock ticks each second. I only have 15 minutes to survive before my shift ends. My body is beginning to ache, this is so damn tiring often .  There were a lot of people today, as I swerved back and forth throughout the day. This café is basically good and doubtless the simplest from those I have worked in, but the only problem is because of a jerk of a boss I have, working here sometimes totally ruins my mood.

The bell of the café chimes breaking me out of my thoughts, I saw a lady with a chubby female child walk into the café. Jesse, my coworker, was busy with serving others, so I went to attend them.

"Hello, I'm Sykkuno. What would you wish to order mam?" I asked.

The woman with beautiful red hair turned her head smiling politely at me. "Hi. Can I have a cappuccino with extra cream and sprinkled cinnamon?" I smiled with a polite nod.

I turned towards the small girl who wore a cute little pink dress and a princess hair band. I noticed she had a harelip. Crouching to her level and that  I flicked her nose with my forefinger. "And what would my princess wish to have?" I asked smiling at her.

She let loose a giggle before replying shyly. "A bubble gum cream slush and a chocolate muffin please." I nodded smiling at her.

"Will that be all?" I asked. The lady nodded looking adoringly at her daughter. I felt a pang in my chest but I ignored it.

"Your order will be served soon." With that, I left to prepare their order.

After serving them I busied myself with work. Sometime later, I visited them to ask if they  need anything. "Do you need anything else mam?"

"No that will be all and call me Stacey dear." Stacey replied. I nodded looking over at the girl. "And what would be your name beautiful?" I asked.

Her smiled dropped and her eyes crammed with tears. "I'm not beautiful. My school friends say I'm ugly and nobody wants to play with me. Do you see this?"  She said pointing towards her cleft lip. "They call me a monster and say there scared of me." She said sniffing. My heart broke watching the crushed expression of that girl.

I hugged her tight and said. "Your friends are just jealous of you darling because your beautiful. Your even more beautiful here." I said pointing her heart. "More than they ever might be. Your the foremost beautiful girl I  have ever met in my life princess. Bad people say bad things about everybody. Don't listen to them. you're beautiful, regardless of what they assert, just remember that . Understand honey?"

"Really?" She looked at me. I nodded wiping her tear stained cheeks.


She smiled widely at me. "Would you like to be my friend?" She asked. 

"Of course honey I would love to" I replied.

"Momma... momma see I made a new friend today." she said excitedly to her mom.

"Yes, honey. I saw. Won't you tell him your name?" Stacey said patting her daughter's head.

She palmed her head. Looking sheepishly at me. "My names Nora and I am 5 years old." She said showing me five fingers with a toothy grin on her face.

"And I'm Sykkuno but you can call me Sy." I said pinching her chubby cheeks, she giggled.

"We should get going, honey. Papa texted me, he's waiting outside." Stacey said.

Nora jumped from her seat and hugged me. "Okay. Bye Sy."

"Bye princess," I said hugging her back.

"It was a pleasure meeting you Sykkuno" Stacey said and hugged me. She backed but not before whispering a thank you to me. I nodded smiling at her knowingly.

She took the hands of Nora and walked out of the café, Nora waved at me for one last time. I chuckled waving back at her.

After finishing my shift, I met up with George outside the café, we waited together for Noah to show up . Noah is a friend of George and I. He's employed at Crawford's industry owned by some Crawford guy. I even heard tons of rumor's about him but most of them were nasty things. Not that I believe in rumors, but some were confirmed by Noah. They said he's very rich, gorgeous and all but I'd never seen him neither I wanted to anyways...So... where was I again? Yes. I was a waiter while George works within the kitchen. I met George once I came to the town for the first time. He was...well still is my roommate. Once I first met him we instantly clicked and now he and  I are inseparable.

I met Noah because George had set me up for a blind date with him. After meeting Noah, I knew we will never be more than friends, he's more sort of a brother to me. We spent our date night annoying other peoples and laughing our asses off. I can definitely say it had been the simplest date of my life. Both Noah and George are overly protective of me, partly because I used to be the littlest one within the group, not just tall but age too. they're both two years older than me.

"So what's the plan tonight?" I heard Noah asking while walking to where George and that I were waiting.

"There will be a new club opening, I heard that it's awesome, they serve the best drinks too, we should  definitely try that one," George said excitedly. I and Noah both nodded believing him. We talked for few more minutes before heading home.

Reaching the house is the best part of the day. I made a run towards my room ignoring the laugh of George. I opened my room and there he was.... looking as beautiful as I first saw him. Seeing him nearly made me cry in delight, therefore without further waiting I threw myself on my soft and warm bed letting out a sigh. It had been so warm. Snuggling more into it, I planted a kiss on my bed. Suddenly my eyelids grew heavy and shortly I was dead to the planet.

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