His billionaire Life

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I shook my hand with the investors of Italy to confirm our deal, this was an enormous deal on behalf on me. Many of my competitors tried to influence them but nobody succeed. These type of investors are hard to tame. But in fact not with me, I'm known to be persuasive and ruthless within the business world. They didn't call me the boss of business for nothing. Call me arrogant, rude or whatever you would like, I'm what I am. I'm ranked as the most successful businessman  and referred to as the most liked bachelor billionaire alive on earth. Who wouldn't want to try to do their business with me? In fact, everybody on mind wouldn't dare mess with me. I'm Corpse Crawford for God's sake. They would know what I can do if they ever cross me. People also believe that I'm associated with certain mafia gangs. Nobody wants to urge in my bad side. Everyone around does whatever it takes to please me, It's kind of annoying but it makes me feel powerful which is strictly what I would like to feel. Powerful. I'm mentioned as a workaholic. I work day and night nonstop and even have a bedroom in my office cabin, where I basically live every other night. I never took a vacation, but I prefer to spend my little free time with my family and friends. You can call me a husband since I really love my family. They're my life. My sister, mom and I are really close. Whereas, my dad is a little strict but after he retired from the CEO's position he became easier to approach and tons cooler. I assume this position itself is tough to handle that's why he always seemed stress. I would complain about it once I was a child but I understand now.

I have my boozing time and a good share of girls in life. I never became involved in feelings, love and stuff. They're a waste of time. I buy what I want and they get what they need, It's a mutual agreement between them and me with no feeling involved. But my mom and sister are hell bound on making me marry someone before my twenty-eight birthday, this year, which I do know is impossible. I mean, I would like to be a free bird as long as possible. Plus, I haven't even for once in my life met a lady, that grabbed my attention even for a second. All of them are equivalent and sometimes they get boring. Women worship the trail I walk on, so I don't need to work on them. They help me release my tension and then I give them my money, by buying them stuff more specially diamonds and Gucci.  A number of them even tried to trick me into marriage, claiming me as the father of their child but I know it wasn't true, I never take risks. Better safe than sorry. At last, they need to go away with agony. I hate it when women become clingy.

The ringing on my phone brought me out of my thoughts. I looked at the caller ID and as always, it had been my annoying best friend. "What do you want?" I barked.

"Jesus...what crawled up into your ass and died? Aren't you alleged to be happy to verify the deal with the Italian investors?" He asked.

Leave it to my best friend for information. I thought sighing.

I mean didn't I just...just signed the deal, how he hell did he realize this...that fast? I'm sure he has his reference to the devil himself.

"How did you know? I just signed the deal?" I asked.

"Ah. That's on behalf of me to understand and you to never determine dear." He said during a sickeningly sweet tone.

"Anyways when are you returning. I'm missing my bestfriend... you know? I didn't see you from like days..." He shouted in my ears, I'd to draw my phone faraway from me. "We didn't party for god knows how long. Today is Friday and that WE. HAVE. TO. GO. Does one understand? I don't want to hear a no. It'll break my heart." He added sniffing.

Can he be more dramatic?

I rolled my eyes, albeit he can't see me. "I'm going to be there by evening and we can attend some club then." I replied.

There was silence for the next minute. I checked my phone to ascertain if he hung up or something.

I heard a pointy intake of air "OH. MY. GOD. Did I actually hear my best friend say yes to my...my plan, without showing tantrums sort of like a queen he is? Who are you? Where is my best friend? What did you do to him? I swear to god if you lay a finger on him I will chop you off into thin pieces and feed it to my dog." He said dramatically.

I rolled my eyes. "Stop being dramatic Dream. You don't even have a dog."

I swear to god I never roll my eyes and sigh as much as I do when his talking.

"I can always buy one." He replied

"Jesus, just send me the date and time. Will you?" I said raising my voice.

"Ok...geez...calm your horses' dude." He said casually. His quite familiar with my rude behavior.

"I'll inform Levi and Caleb about todays plan. Be here soon honey. I'm missing you." H cooed.

"Ok. I'm hanging up." I said

"Oh no, you'll not. I'll hang up on you first. If you hang-" I hung up and sighed. I even have no idea why I'm friends with him. I smiled remembering that day and asked my driver to send me to the airport.

Time to let loose and get drunk.

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