His Life

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Four years later...

It was a dark night I was lost within the middle of the forest, I can hear the roar of animals and the chirping of birds. I was scared but I didn't stop. I kept running and running. You'll do it, Sy. You've got to try and do it, you've got many lives to save.

Yes, I can do this. Being a Superman isn't child play. Gosh...I'm already getting tired.  But I have to save them. Save the planet from the evil.

I reached my destination. It had been an abandoned warehouse. Everything was dark. But one ray of sunlight was coming somewhere from the warehouse, I followed the sunlight and entered the warehouse. I watched a few guards  outside with their guns. I was trying to flee without them noticing me.


Oh shit!

"Whos in there?" One among the guards asked. " Come out and that we will spare your life." He said again coming towards my direction.

Shit, what should I do? What do I do?

I took a deep breath. Ok, it's time to fight evil, Sy.

Show time!

"Let's get it down, honey!" I said coming outside.

"Oh, we'll see about that Super Sy." Said the opposite guard attacking me with a gun.

Gun Shot!

I dodged the gunshot, slide between them turning around, I kicked one on his chest and punched the other on the face. I rotated again and began punching them sort of like a punching machine. Within seconds I took their guns and unloaded the ammos from the gun. They lied there groaning while I smirked at their direction.

"Never mess with daddy dear," I said smirking.

"Ah! Here is my sweet little superman Sy. I was expecting you honey boo, where were you?" Said a voice.

I turned around to seem at my sole enemy " Meow - The evil cat". God! what proportion do I not hate about him. I glared at the evil cat standing in his glory of the king. Suddenly out of nowhere, a scary cat captured me, I struggled in his hold glaring at Meow. He started coming downstairs laughing like an evil cat he was. He came to look at me smirking together with his evil mean eyes while licking his paws.

"You can never catch me honey boo, don't even try it." He laughed.

"I'll catch you meow. I can promise you that and once I buy my hands on you...you are dead. You understand D. E. A. D." I said menacingly. "I will get my revenge for all the scratches you've given me. You even dared poop on me you little piece of shit. And that, I know you probably did it intentionally. Your an evil cat." I added.

He just laughed. He freaking laughed at me.

I did a backflip which was obviously unexpected for that cat, freeing my hands and punched him hard within the face. I started coming towards meow.

"Guards catch him." He commanded.

More and more cats came on my way. I was beyond scared but I had to do it. Not only for me but also for others out there who are within the claws of those evil cats.

I attacked them with my awesome ninja skills from Naruto, injuring all of them, at last, they left me meowing and running for their lives. Hah!

I looked around for meow, I found him cowering behind a table.

"Gotcha!" I walked towards him with a deadly expression. "Be ready meow. I will be able to take my revenge now. For all the scratches, poops and for Mr. Cuddles, my dearest panda teddy whom you killed ruthlessly. How could you do that to him? Didn't you see those doe eyes of his? How could you." I shouted at him. 

"No, please don't, I wont do it again and not only me, I'll command every other cat to stay away from you, humans, alone. Please don't kill me." He begged.

 "Oh, that you'll surely do. But, remember when Mr. Cuddles begged you to go away but you still...you still killed him. I'll get revenge for Mr. Cuddles. Prepare to shower meow. I even bought you so-called-favorite strawberry flavored shampoo." I laughed evilly. Pointing the nozzle of the hose pipe at him.

He gasped saying "Your evil." while I laughed evilly at him. I knew he hates strawberries and bathing.

"NO NO please NOOooo..." He pleaded

I started the hose, laughing.


"Oh my god. What the hell." I awakened screaming.

I glared at my best friend George who was grinning at me while I was dripping from wet. He shakes his head at me. "You are sleeping at work again. Does one want Jordan to seek out about it?"

I shuddered at the thought of Jordan. Oh, God! His such a buttheaded jerk. I shook my head.

"But I almost conquered my revenge to t-that evil meow you know?" I said pouting. "I was this much away from bathing that cat with strawberry shampoo." I showed a little space between my thumb  and forefinger grinning widely.

He rolled his eyes at me "Get over that so-called-revenge of yours. Meow is so cute. His harmless."

He did not just call that evil cat... cute.

I gasped at him. "H-how are you able to say that. He's far from cute...and harmless? Did you not see the scratches on my hand? A-and what about Mr. Cuddles? Oh my god. Your not my best friend. Who are you? Did that evil cat bewitch you or something?" I said watching him incredulously.

 He waved his hand dismissively. "Stop being so overdramatic Sy and go back to work before Jordan finds out. I believe his going to come back anytime now." He said before returning to his work.

I groaned brooding about that buttface who is, unfortunately, my employer. His father Mr. James was such a sweet and caring person, his in his late fifties, and is my ex-employer. After he retired he made Jordan, his son, the owner. Gosh, Jordan might be a good-looking  guy but man, his seriously a massive douchebag. I sometimes think his adopted or something, because no way they seem related.

Yay! My life.

Duly Note the Sarcasm. 

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