A crumpled sigh escapes his helmet as he engages the landing array and guides the Crest toward a somewhat desolate-looking planet. Naomi feels the ship dip slightly as it changes momentum and begins its descent.

 She cranes her neck as Arvala-7's surface comes into view, looking down on the dusty planet through squinted eyes. Several russet-colored mountain ranges jet out from the sand and pass quickly under the Crest's belly as Mando flies them through the lower atmosphere. It's not long before he brings them to an easy landing, kicking up clouds of orange dust while he parks them on level ground.

"Well, at least it's not ice," she offers, taking in the sunny desert planet. "Although I do hate sand."

The Mandalorian's hands travel expertly over the controls as he powers down his ship. "You're more than welcome to stay here."

"Ha," Naomi lets out a sarcastic laugh. "No thanks, Shiny. I'll take my chances."

The Mandalorian breathes a sigh as he stands to gather his amban rifle from its resting place. Naomi watches thoughtfully as she holsters her blasters. It takes no time for him to fall into the rhythm of a seasoned hunter, moving about in a way that could only be described as predatory.

"I can see why you became a hunter," Naomi muses, shrugging into her jacket with a cunning smile.

He inclines his head in her direction as she swings her own rifle over her shoulder. "Why's that?"

Her eyes widen in mock horror and her voice shakes. "You move like a ghost."

She can practically hear his eyes roll as he brushes past her, not bothering to respond as he disappears down the ladder. Clearly, he's uninterested in returning her banter. 

"Oh, come on!" She cracks a teasing smile as she follows him down to the belly of the ship. "It's a compliment!"

The Mandalorian's expression borders on annoyed as he punches the button to lower the hatch. He doesn't acknowledge when she joins him at his side or follows him down the ramp and into the orange sands. The warm wind sweeps through her hair, fanning over her neck as she pulls the fob from her belt. She holds it flat on her palm and the red-eye flashes lazily, doing little to direct them. "Well, we're on the right planet..." She spins in the other direction, watching for any change in pace. 


"Great," she drones.

She wades further into the sand, stopping when she reaches the canyon's edge and peers over the edge at the barren landscape. Again, she spins, hoping to find a pattern that will lead them to their quarry. The Mandalorian stays behind and cocks his rifle. The mechanical click draws Naomi's attention and she watches as he brings the scope to the surface of his visor and inspects the terrain, catching sight of the creatures that graze in the distance. His rifle falls a moment later and Naomi looks at him inquisitively, raising a hand over her eyes as the sun reflects blindingly off his armor. Trained in the ways of silent communication, he reads her questioning, albeit squinting eyes. "Blurrgs. 200 meters out," he answers. 

Naomi nods and continues her survey of the land. Rocky cliffs cover their backs and protect their landing spot while a canyon ahead gives them a clear vantage point of the land. What they hadn't prepared for were the beasts that now rushed them. 

A deep, echoing growl warns the Mandalorian too late as a blurrg ambushes him. He attempts the thwart the attack with a plume of fire from the device on his wrist but it's too late. Dull but strong teeth latch onto his arm and yank him forward with its massive jaw.

"Shit," Naomi curses as she rushes forward, bending for the rifle Mando had discarded in the attack. She drives the butt into the wrinkled skin around the beast's eye with all her strength. It howls in pain, falling back a few steps as its jaw slackens. The sudden release drops the Mandalorian to the ground, and he immediately kicks himself away, trying to put some distance between himself and his aggressor. He isn't quick enough when the creature latches onto his other arm and buries him into the muddied sands.

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