She sighed, shaking her head. She was on the hunt for a helmet, she didn't feel like getting another head trauma in this battle. Not surprisingly, the armor bin had been raided in both the weapons room and the training area.

"What'ca looking for?" Connor's voice snapped her out of her daze.

"Helmet." She hummed, not meeting his eyes. She was sifting through yet another box. All that was inside was a few ripped-up shin guards and a leather knee pad.

She glanced up to the boy, who was no where near prepared for the war. He was leaning against a pillar with his signature mischievous smirk, one that never failed to make her blush.

He had gotten taller over the past six months. His curly hair had gotten longer, and his freckles were more prominent. He wore a orange Camp Half Blood shirt and plaid pajama pants that were too big for him.

"Connor," She scolded. "Where's your armor? And your sword? Reyna and Nico should be arriving any day now!"

Connor grinned. "Exactly. Want to play volleyball?"

"Volleyball?" Ellie asked, disbelievingly. "There's a battle coming to us!"

Connor shrugged. "Well, it's not here yet. I've already thought of the teams."

Ellie glared at him, but he didn't budge. Instead, he took her hand, and dragged her towards the volleyball courts. Some gave them odd looks, which Ellie completely understood.

Travis was grinning, dragging a complaining Katie behind him. Travis had dirt all over him, probably from Miranda attacking him.

"I've got the volleyball!" Travis yelled, throwing the ball at Connor. Connor grinned.

"C'mon Ellie," He called carelessly. "You're on my team!"

Ellie rolled her eyes, but didn't argue with him. Connor may have been right, they should relax as much as they could before the Romans attacked.

"Prepare to lose!"

Travis and Katie had just got into positions on the court. Then an orange glow illuminated the hilltops. Multiple streaks of fire climbed skyward like burning fingers.

The onagers had shot their first volley.

Ellie turned to Connor as her first instinct, fear tearing through her bones. No matter how much she tried to prepare, no one could possibly be ready for war. The paralyzing horror spread through her body like icy, liquid metal. She clenched her fists as she hesitantly took a step. She noticed her feet tremble.

After a split second of panic, Connor had made it to her side. His hands gripped her shoulders gently, bringing her back to reality.

Flashbacks of Manhattan flooded her vision, making her legs shake. She was not ready to lose anyone else.

"El!" He hissed, pushing her hair from her eyes. "It's okay!"

Ellie tried to calm herself, taking his hand and darting to her cabin, making Connor sprint to keep up with her.

"El-" He tried, but she just swung the Harmonia cabin door open. Rushing into the clean living area, that she hadn't touched in days, she passed to get to the stairs. She swung open the wardrobe. Pulling out her emergency armor, she threw it at Connor who barely caught them.

"Put them on," She ordered, leaving no room for argument. She was about to close the wardrobe when she saw a glint coming from the back.

"Ellie?" Connor asked hesitantly, putting on the chest plate that was tight against his torso.

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