Chapter Sixteen: What..?

Start from the beginning

I didn't think Sensei would ever cut. He seems fine. Except for the eye bags, the coffee, the distance from the rest of the world, and the depressed state- oh shit. He's been depressed for a long time.

"Can I ask why?" I kept my eyes trained on his scars. I looked up to see him trying to figure out some sort of reaction. Like he was searching for something. Maybe he's curious about my scar staring.

"Sorry about that. I tend to look at the scars in detail."

"Hm. I do the same thing. I see myself in you quite a bit problem child. It's not bad, but it's definitely not good either."

"I was depressed in high school. My father was abusive because I'm gay. My mother commit suicide when I was 6. The only get away I had was school and even then, people were horrible to me. I started cutting when I was 12. 12 years old. I tried to end it all, and then someone begged me not to kill myself. He was my best friend all through high school. I was able to stop cutting when I turned 24. It was hard to stop, but I've been clean ever since with medication and therapy."

Wow.... "What happened to your best friend? You said was." I looked at him expectantly.

Then he did the last thing I'd expect. He reaches under the neckline of his shirt and pulls out a necklace with a ring on it. No freaking way.....

"I married him." He was grinning at this point. Holy fuck. Present Mic is the one who stopped him.

"The reason I'm telling you this, is because I want to help you. I want to help you stop cutting. I want you to get more sleep, get a good eating schedule. I want you to get better. So I was wondering if I can take you with me to a therapy session. I'm the one getting the therapy today so don't worry. I want you to see how it goes. Then you can tell me how you feel about it. Does that sound okay?"

I don't know. I'm scared. What's going to happen?

"I'll be with you the whole time." He smiled. Why do I feel so safe with him? Am on actually seeing him as a father figure?

"Yeah, thanks dad." Oh shit. Oh fuck. I called him dad. What the fuck is wrong with me?

"Ohmygodimsosorryididnotmeantodothat." (Oh my god I'm so sorry I did not mean to do that.)

"It's okay problem child. Do you see me as your father figure? I know you don't really have one."

"Yeah... I guess I do."

"Then you can keep calling me dad. If it makes you comfortable."

I was not expecting this.

"Wait, really?"

"Yup. Now come on, we'll be late if we don't go now. Do you feel comfortable in what you're wearing right now? Do you want to bring Akira?"

"I'm good. I do want to bring Akira though."

"Okay go ahead. I have her collar in the car."

I ran up to my dorm to see Kami awake and scrolling through his phone.

"You didn't wake me to tell me you were leaving your dorm. Why?"

"I'm sorry. Aizawa and I were talking. I'm going with him to a place today. I'm also taking Akira with me. You good here?" I kissed his forehead as a good morning and a good bye.

"Yeah. I'm good." He lifted a sleeping Akira over to me and she woke up a little as I took her. She continued to curl up in my neck as I held her.

"This is our child now. Akira Midoriya-Kaminari." He smiled.

"Yup. I love you. Bye." I gave him another kiss on the forehead and left.

It Started With Truth or Dare (Dekubowl)Where stories live. Discover now