the beginning

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Nobody's pov

Y/n and rin were both sitting nexted to each other both listings to there teacher's instructions both taking notes

Y/n pov

I watch the clock slowly tick counting home many seconds were left in this boring class I was pretending to take notes but I could just copy off of Rin's after all " 3 2 1" after I count down the bell rings and I stand up and begin to pack my things after that I wait patiently for Rin "come on Rin I want to go home" she let's out a sigh and finishes packing her things and then me and Rin walk home together after a few minutes we arrive home and we walk inside and begin to take off our things I walk over to the stairs and look back at Rin "I will be upstairs" Rin nods and I run upstairs to my room

Rins pov

I watch as y/n runs up the stairs and I let out a sigh before I grab walk over to y/n's bag and I grab her note book and I write down all of the notes I took for today I put it back into her bag before heading to the library and begin to read a book

y/n pov

I was upstairs in my room and I drew a summoning circle on the floor in my room I place my hand on the summoning circle "let's hope this works" I start to mumble some words and the circle starts to glow after a few minutes I open my eyes and I stand up "hole crap it actually worked" I say with excitement in my voice "I have to go tell Rin" I run over to the door and when I touch the door handle and the summoning circle explodes I was thrown against the wall and knocked unconscious and the house shook from the explosion and my room was completely destroy

??? Pov

I walk over to the unconscious girl and wright something on a piece of paper and pick her up before I disappear

Rin pov

I ran upstairs and into y/n's room finding her entire room destroyed I found the note and it says "this one tried summoning us to earlier" I crumble up the note and throw it away "don't worry y/n I am coming to save you"

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